The credibility of China''s e-commerce and its Countermeasures
Abstract :E-commerce in China is a new term,it was widespread truly after the beginning of the 21st century.More and more people began to know and use e-commerce.,but a serious problem is integrity while e-commerce is developping in the future.In this paper, on the credibility of e-commerce will conduct an in-depth research on China''s good faith analysis of the status of e-commerce, and then to find the root causes of problems honesty and integrity for our e-commerce solution to provide solution.
This article appeared in e-commerce environment for the credibility of the study,.first of all, the integrity of electronic commerce will be the status of a certain degree of analysis, this association may be the possible future development of e-business impact. Then the question of the status quo on the basis of these good faith step by step to find causes of problems. At home and abroad, citing the success of the current model of corporate integrity, to find there deficiencies. Finally, from the quality of our people, security technology, laws and regulations, enterprises and consumers I will own these one by one to find a reasonable integrity of e-commerce solution.
Key words:e-commerce,integrity,third-party payment,laws,countermeasures
1 电子商务的涵义与现状
1.1 电子商务的涵义与范围
1.1.1 电子商务的涵义
电子商务,Electronic Commerce,简称EC。电子商务通常是指是在全球各地广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器应用方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动,实现消费者的网上购物、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付以及各种商务活动、交易活动、金融活动和相关的综合服务活动的一种新型的商业运营模式。随着科学技术的不断发展与网络技术的大范围普及,人们已经不再满足于普通的商品服务交易模式了,他们开始寻找新的更快捷更方便的交易模式,电子商务于是应运而生。电子商务在全世界开始流行是在进入21世纪后,尤其在我国,21世纪电子商务的发展以讯雷般的速度在中国站稳了脚跟,如今在中国,电子商务成为了人们日常生活中不可缺少的一部分,电子商务在各个领域中都发挥着自己应有的作用。