Spring 作为一个开源框架,是为了解决企业应用程序开发复杂性而创建的。Ajax作为一种 Web 应用程序开发的手段,其优势体现在系统的即时性与可用性。
关键词: Spring框架,Ajax,DWR,电信资源
Spring frameworks and Ajax in Resources Management System
ABSTRACT :With China''s telecom companies in the continuous deepening of reforms and the accession to the WTO, how to enhance the management of resources to enhance competition in the market has become China''s telecommunications operators key issues of concern. Resources management of the system as a basic module for the smooth implementation of the project played a key role.
Spring can solve enterprise application development and the complexity of the development. Ajax as a Web application development tools, its advantages embodied in the system with the instant availability.
The main thesis is introducing Spring and Ajax, including concepts, theories, processes and specific examples, in-depth analysis of how these technologies can play a good role in an actual system. Design and realize Resources Management System with Spring and Ajax. Data layers using Spring framework of the merits of the database query for Packaging,UI improves the instant of using the advantages of Ajax.
Key words:Spring Framework, Ajax, DWR, Telecom Resources
1 绪论
1.1 选题背景
随着我国加入WTO、国内电信运营商的随着我国加入WTO、国内电信运营商的拆分和重组,国内电信行业新的市场格局已经形成,各运营商面临着更大的市场机遇,同时也面临更为严峻的市场竞争。为此,中国电信集团公司提出“全面创新,求真务实,努力奋斗,力争用五年左右的时间,把中国电信建设成为世界级的现代电信企业集团”的战略目标。中国电信正在从传统的网络承载服务提供商向全面信息服务提供商转型,其中IT系统的规划和建设无疑成为了重要的环节。目前,中国电信集团和各省电信公司都在按照CTG-MBOSS总体规范要求,进行IT系统规划和建设,其中, CRM、服务开通、运维管理、服务保障、财务、工程、规划和管理决策等各个子功能部分均体现了对资源管理系统和资源数据平台的要求,资源管理系统建设和资源数据平台成为97改造和CTG-MBOSS落实的主要基础性条件和前提。