关键词: B/S模式,体系结构,ASP.NET,SQL技术,三层结构
Student achievement enquiry system
Abstract:With the development of internet in China, it affects our learning, living and working methods. Especially, the campus network system based on the internet play an important role in all kinds of education, teaching and management work around the country.
B/S mode, taking advantage of the maturity of the browser technology, achieving a complex function and saving the cost, is a new software system structure technology. It has increasingly become the first choice in today''s application software architecture. In 21 century, network is everywhere. In this paper, according to the different needs of different people, I design and develop the student achievement enquiry system to facilitate the use of different types of users .The paper describes the implementation of the student achievement enquiry system based on the .NET framework, the ASP.NET technology and SQL technology. Using the B/S mode, the program implements the main function of the system, and it includes student achievement enquiry, teachers input results, students & teachers leave message and get reply and users management. This paper mainly describes the system architecture design, database design, detailed design and other aspects of system. In database design, it designs and establishes a student card, the user information form, the Senate notice table, the Senate resumed messages, etc .However, the system still has some disadvantage. For example, user interface is designed to further appearance and system can be further expanded.
Key Words: B/S mode, Architecture, ASP.NET, SQL technology, Three-Layer Structure
1), 学生查询功能:为了方便学生查找成绩等信息,将所有信息按照需要进行分类。这样学生就能很方便的找到自己需要的信息。
2), 添加功能:教师可以通过填写表格的形式输入学生成绩等相关信息。系统可以自动避免重复信息。
3), 修改功能:教务管理人员可以对数据库中的信息进行修改。系统能够通过教务管理人员给出的条件查找出所要修改的信息,对修改后的信息进行保存,并自动查找是否是重复信息。
4), 删除功能:教务管理人员可以对数据进行删除操作。系统能够通过教务管理人员给出的条件查找出要删除的信息,并提示是否确定删除,如果确定删除,则把相关信息从数据库中删除掉。
5), 教务管理人员查询功能:管理员可以通过条件选择查询所有信息,并进行排序。