关键词:面向对象技术 面向对象设计 统一建模语言 建模
The Analysis and Design of student status management system Based on Unified Modeling Language
Abstract: The object-oriented technology has tended to be the leading concept for software design in recent years. The UML (Unified Modeling Language) as one object-oriented modeling method can be also used in other aspect rather than software design, such as in commerce, information system and even development of the object-oriented design language etc.
Key words: object-oriented technology, object-oriented design; UML (Unified Modeling Language); Modeling
随着面向对象技术成为研究的热点,相继出现了几十种支持软件开发的面向对象方法。其中Booch, Coad/Yourdon, OMT 和Jacobson的方法在面向对象软件开发界得到了广泛的认可。而统一建模语言UML(Unified Modeling Language),结合了Booch,OMT和Jacobson方法的优点,统一了符号体系,并从其他的方法和工程实践中吸收了许多经过实际检验的概念和技术,UML作为一种标准的建模工具已经得到世界的认可,成为国际标准。