摘要:本文阐述了网络的应用和开发在教学环节中的意义,比较了C/S结构和B/S结构在网络应用开发中的优缺点。在这个基础上提出了一个基于WEB 技术的辅助教学及考试系统,重点介绍了该系统的设计方案,所采用的主要技术,以及该系统所能实现的功能。并对系统的可扩展性作了探讨。
关键字: WEB 应用;辅助教学;考试系统;网上考试;asp
Abstract: This paper describes the use and development of the Internet in the teaching aspect of significance, compared with the C / S and B / S structure of the network’s strengths and weaknesses in the application development. On this basis, a WEB-based technology to support teaching and examination system, the system focuses on the design of the main technologies used, as well as the system can achieve. And system scalability are discussed.
Keyword: WEB application; teaching aids; examination system; on-line test; ASP