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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(39页17047字) 源码 图纸 
摘 要

关键词: 电子商务,ASP,Access数据库,软件开发方法

This thesis expounds how to build an E-Business website by use of software tools such as ASP, Access and so on. The design keeps to the classic life cycle of software engineering.According to software analysis, software design, software code and software maintenance, the design is divided into nine processes such as define systematic goal, feasibility analysis, demand analysis, outline design, design, software code, software test in detail, software maintain. This thesis just include define systematic goal, feasibility analysis, demand analysis, outline design, design, and software code.
In this website interface of user, we adopt B/S structure. And we adopt C/S to backstage supporter management logic layer that needs data mining. Course of the Data Base design, adopt the structure design method in this text, use data flow chart( DFD), data dictionary, procedure flow chart, etc. tool to clear show the course of data saving and data using. The ones that have guaranteed the system are stalwart, the maintainability, and expandability. The main process is in the three part which descriptions the analysis and design. In that part we use a structured system develop methodology --the structure analysis and structure design. We use a lot of method such as data flow diagram and data dictionary to describe the process of building the system.The building of website is a dynamic and interactive BTOC E-Business website that has functions of sales online, commodities supply and system management.

Keywords: E-Business, B2C Website of Ecommerce, ASP, Access, Classic develop circle

摘 要3
1 绪论5
1.1 课题背景5
2 需求分析6
2.1 农业发展的需求6
2.2 市场需求7
2.2.1 市场调查8
2.2.2 数据分析10
2.2.3 总结12
2.3 公司发展的需求12
2.3.1 必要性13
2.3.2 可能性15
3 系统结构分析16
3.1 系统逻辑结构图16
3.2 系统组成17
3.2.1 电子商务网站前台17
3.2.2 电子商务网站后台18
4 数据库设计19
4.1 Access 数据库的选择19
4.2 数据库具体设计19
4.2.1 ER图设计20
4.2.2 数据流22
4.2.3 数据库表格22
5 系统功能25
5.1 前台功能25
5.1.1 会员注册及登录模块26
5.1.2 商品分类模块26
5.1.3 商品搜索模块26
5.1.4 购物车模块26
5.1.5 收款台模块27
5.1.6 生成订单模块27
5.1.7 订单查询模块27
5.2 后台管理功能27
5.2.1 订单管理28
5.2.2 编辑订单28
5.2.3 商品类别管理29
5.2.4 商品子类别管理29
5.2.5 商品管理30
5.2.6 用户管理30
5.2.7 管理员权限管理31
5.2.8 菜单管理31
5.2.9 历史纪录管理32
5.2.10 运输方式管理32
5.2.11 公司信息管理32
6 系统安全性说明33
6.1 用IIS+ASP建网站的安全性分析33
6.1.1 安全隐患分析33
6.1.2 提高IIS+ASP网站安全性的方法34
结 束 语36
致 谢38

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  • 上一篇资讯: 流通型企业信息系统
  • 下一篇资讯: 信息网络化进程对大型专网电信企业业务管理的新要求
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