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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/16


论文编号:XXLW081 论文字数:10629,页数:34

摘   要
 本系统是按照业务发展部的需要,根据其日常工作,按照其工作习惯,采用基于C/S软件体系结构的软件开发技术,实现了客户关系管理CRM(Customer Relationship Management)系统中管理功能。在可行性研究和需求分析的基础上,我们对系统的设计方案、数据库和安全等方面进行了较详细的设计,采用Delphi6作为开发工具,SQL Sever作为后台数据库管理系统,实现了这个CRM系统中的统计功能。本文讲述了CRM系统中统计功能的课题背景、开发环境、需求分析等部分。本系统可以对业务等信息进行有效的统计。可以通过本系统方便地查询和统计数据,并自动计算各种不同类型业务的数量,为业务发展部门的日常工作提供了一个方便快捷的操作平台,也为决策者提供了更为有效的信息量,提高了工作效率。
关键词:业务发展  CRM  统计功能

 The greatest impact which the E-commerce brought to the businesses is that it made the market become a customer-center from a product-center, the original business become a one-on-one personalized service from the large-scale production. Today, many enterprises have recognized that the customer-centric is the only way to compete with other ones in today''''s market。 A business development of a company is the first group of officers that the customers face to, only the business development can truly deal with the customers as the center,through the analysis and mining to the custom information, identify customers to help companies increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, to make a good foundation for the cooperation in the future.
 This system is based on the needs of business development, according to their day-to-day work, in accordance with their working habits, basing on C / S architecture software development technology,  it make the Customer Relationship Management CRM system come true with the management functions. Basing on the feasibility study and needs analysis , we carried out a more detailed design for the database and security , using Delphi6 as development tools, SQL Sever database management system as a background, realized the CRM system statistical functions. This article describes the statistical functions in the CRM system,the background,development environment, the demand analysis and so on.
 This system can carry out effective statistics to the business information, also can easily query and statistics data and automatically calculate the number of different types of business. It provides a convenient and efficient operating platform to business development, but also provides the efficient information to the decision-makers, improving the work efficiency.
Keywords: Business Development ;CRM ;Statistical Functions
目  录
摘   要 i
Abstract ii
目  录 iii
第一章  绪   论 1
1.1  课题意义、背景及现状 1
1.2  系统功能分析 2
第二章  系统开发技术基础 3
2.1  C/S模式介绍 3
2.2  系统开发环境介绍 3
2.2.1  Delphi 6.0 4
2.2.2  SQL sever 2000 5
第三章  CRM统计功能的分析与设计 7
3.1  系统目标 7
3.2  需求分析 7
3.2.1  需求描述 7
3.2.2  业务流程 9
3.3  概要设计 10
3.3.1  系统流程图 10
3.3.2  系统E-R图 11
3.4 详细设计 11
3.4.1  数据字典 11
3.4.2  数据结构的具体实现 13
第四章  CRM统计功能的实现及其维护 15
4.1  CRM统计功能的实现 15
4.1.1  个人业务查询 15
4.1.2  个人业绩查询 16
4.1.3  公司业务查询 17
4.1.4  公司业绩查询 18
4.2 系统维护 19
第五章  总  结 20
致  谢 21
参考文献 22
附  录 23

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