论文编号:XXLW062 论文字数:13004,页数:32
摘 要
关键词:时域信号 采样 频谱分析 MATLAB仿真
The carrier of information is the signal. The useful signals that we are interested are often in other similar or unsimilar mixed signal, which requires us to process the signal recorded in media, through the extraction, transformation, analysis, synthesis, and other means to obtain the useful information. So the science of signal analysis have emerged and even flourished. MATLAB has graphics capabilities and powerful symbolic manipulation functionality for us to achieve a visual signal in time domain and frequency domain analysis. In this paper, the continuous-time signal sampling is obtained and simulated by using Fourier transform. To this end, the parameters are given through keyboard, the corresponding results are computed by MATLAB interface.
Key words: signal in time domain sampling spectral analysis MATLAB simulation
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究动机与目的 1
1.2 研究背景 1
1.2.1 数字信号处理的发展与应用 1
1.2.2 MATLAB仿真技术的特点 2
1.3 研究方法与系统描述 2
1.4 论文内容概述 3
第二章 时域信号采样及频谱分析 4
2.1 信号概述 4
2.1.1 信号的概念 4
2.1.2 信号的分类 4
2.2数字信号简介 5
2.3 时域信号采样及频谱分析 6
2.3.1 时域信号 6
2.3.2 采样信号及采样定理 6
2.3.3 信号分析方法 8
第三章 时域信号采样与频谱分析在MATLAB的实现 10
3.1 认识MATLAB 10
3.1.1 Matlab的发展与应用 10
3.1.2 Matlab仿真技术与应用简介 11
3.1.3 Matlab的特点与功能 12数值和符号计算功能 12 Matlab语言 12
3.2 时域信号采样与频谱分析在MATLAB的实现 13
3.2.1信号的幅度谱和相位谱 13
3.2.2信号时域波形及幅频特性曲线 17
3.2.3 FFT频谱分析 19
3.2.4 信号采样 20
第四章 结论 25
致 谢 26
参考文献 27