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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/12/07


论文编号:JD1119  论文字数:15367,页数:58,附开题报告,原理图,PCB,程序,仿真

关键词:单片机  智能  交通灯  设计 看门狗

Based on the design of the controler of traffic lights of single flat machine
Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of SCM is continuously to further, traditional control test rapidly updated. In the intelligent detection and control systems, often used as a core component chip, then to use with specific hardware structure, and the view of the specific application software, the object characteristics.
 At the intersection of cars, bustling, if no effective pedestrians, appear easily controlled. But only in a traditional way to directing traffic or words can not meet the needs of today''s urban transportation, therefore with intelligent traffic control light. There are many ways to control traffic lights low high control functions and multi-level. The traffic light by single-chip microcomputer control system is controlled in learning is one of the most typical design, is also extremely practical significance to study. This design is relying on the single chip microcomputer, combined to form a LED display the function of intelligent medium road control system. In order to system is stable and reliable MAX706 adopted watch-dog chips, to avoid the system crashed and stop work because of the situation.
Keywords: singlechip   intelligent  traffic  design  watchdog

第一章 引言 3
第二章 设计概述 5
2.1  交通灯设计方案选择与论证 5
2.2 设计要求及目的 6
第三章 系统总体方案及硬件设计 8
3.1总体设计框图 8
3.2  MSC-51系列芯片简介 8
3.3 显示器件简介 14
3.4看门狗电路 18
3.5其它元件的说明 22
3.6主板供电电源电路 29
3.7系统总体方案 32
第四章 软件设计 37
4.1交通灯状态的分析 37
4.2主程序流程图 38
4.3中断程序流程图 40
第五章 Proteus软件仿真 41
5.1仿真过程: 41
5.2检测与调试: 46
第六章 设计结论 48
参考文献 50
附近1 系统程序 51
附件2  系统框图 

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