论文编号:XXLW090 论文字数:17277,页数:35
摘 要
By using the analysis method of multivariate statistical analysis,we conduct an analysis of an example to the main fourteen course records of the first four semesters of the 75 students,whos’ level is 2007 and major is Information and Computing Science.The fourteen courses are Mathematical Analysis, Linear Algebra & Analytic Geometry, Fundamentals of Computers B, C Programming Language, Probability Theory, Discrete mathematics,Ordinary Differential Equation, Data Structures, Mathematical Statistics, Operations Research and Optimization, Mathematical Models, Curriculum Design of Mathematical Models, Modern mathematical software(Matlab) and Object-oriented programming. After data pretreatment, using SAS system programming for the result. According to the result, we can find the main factors that affect the students’ knowledge and abilities of the major,which is professional mathematical ability, basic mathematicical ability,computer application ability and basic computer ability. And then, we can calculate the factor score of each student according to the model and classify the 75 students by clustering analysis.Finally,we can analyze the abilities tendency of each student according to the result of clustering analysis and the various factor score of each student.
Keywords:Factor analysis;Component matrix;Factor score;SAS software;Clustering analysis
目 录
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目录 iii
第一章 引 言.1
第二章 数据处理基本理论基础.2
2.1.1 原理及基本思想2
2.2 因子分析2
2.1.1 因子分析模型..2
2.1.2 因子分析步骤..3
2.1.3 因子分析Factor过程..3
2.3 聚类分析5
2.3.1 基本内容.5
2.3.2 谱系聚类法5
第三章 模型实现…….7
3.1 数据准备 7
3.1.1 数据选取7
3.1.2 数据预处理..7
3.2 建立模型..7
3.2.1 因子分析7
3.2.2 结果分析 .9
3.2.3 因子得分模型..10
3.3 聚类分析10
3.3.1 过程及结果10
3.3.2 结果分析.12
3.4 模型的应用..12
3.4.1 因子得分.12
3.4.2 结果讨论.14
3.5 小 结.15
第四章 总 结16
4.1 论文的主要结论16
4.2 论文的不足..17
致 谢.18
附 录.20