论文编号:XXLW016 论文字数:15529,页数:27
摘 要
关键词 :批发零售业 竞争力 指标体系 评价 因子分析法
Competitiveness research of Zhejiang wholesale and retail trade
based on factor analysis
In recent years,the macroscopically backgrounds of both international and domestic economic situations have changed deeply. The change of the international economic situation, on one hand, helps Zhejiang explore world market and develop open economy, on the other hand, it forces Zhejiang to deal with more competitive pressure, so the development of Zhejiang economy has unavoidable "how to improve economic competitiveness" this proposition. However, wholesale and retail trade likes a barometer reflecting a country or region''''s economic and social development level, so enhance competitiveness of wholesale and retail trade has a great strategic significance to promote Zhejiang economic competitiveness.
There are many defects in evaluation system, however, his paper attempts to solve these problems. The paper uses the method of quantitative analysis, bases on the availability of statistical data, puts forward 13 indexes of the competitiveness evaluation system of wholesale and retail trade tentatively, these indexes reflecting competitiveness and situation of wholesale and retail trade from different aspects. Based on the index system, The paper quantitatively evaluates 14 years’ data of wholesale and retail trade competitiveness of Zhejiang province by using the factor analysis method with supporting SPSS11.5, which has provided an objective basis to understand the progress of actual level of each year of Zhejiang province and to improve competitiveness in this industry, then find out wholesale and retail trade competitiveness of the opportunities, finally, put forward some countermeasures which can improve the competitiveness of wholesale and retail trade of Zhejiang province.
Keywords: wholesale and retail competitiveness index system evaluation factor analysis
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 引言
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 2
1.2.1 研究目的 2
1.2.2 研究内容 2
1.3 研究思路及方法 2
1.3.1 研究思路 2
1.3.2 研究方法 4
1.4 创新和不足 4
1.4.1 创新 4
1.4.2不足 4
第二章 研究综述
2.1 西方学者关于竞争力的研究成果 5
2.1.1 西方学者关于竞争力的理论研究 5
2.1.2 西方学者关于竞争力的重要理论及实证研究 5
2.2 我国学者关于竞争力的研究成果 5
2.3 对中西方相关研究文献的简要评述 6
第三章 我省批发零售业竞争力评价体系的构建
3.1 评价指标体系构建 7
3.1.1 批发零售业竞争力评价指标的构建原则 7
3.1.2 指标体系的选择和解释 7
3.2 评价方法模型构建 8
第四章 我省批发零售业竞争力的实证研究
4.1 数据的收集 12
4.1.1 样本区域的选择 12
4.1.2 评价指标的数据获取及整理 12
4.2 计算过程 13
4.2.1 因子分析法的检验 13
4.2.2 对旋转后的因子载荷矩进行解释 14
4.2.3 计算因子得分与综合评价得分及排序 15
第五章 实证结果的分析
5.1 浙江省批发零售业竞争力的综合得分分析 17
5.2 浙江省各年的批发零售业竞争力的公共因子得分分析 17
5.2.1 “短板”现象的分析 18
第六章 提升我省批发零售业竞争力的对策建议
6.1 整合资源,增强企业规模竞争力 20
6.2 加强基础研究,提升自主创新能力 20
6.3 加强政府引导,减少盲目投资 20
致谢 21
参考文献 22