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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/16


论文编号:DH046   论文字数:6202,页数:10

摘 要: 
 童话是一种比较适合儿童阅读的文学题材,它按照儿童的心理特点和需要,通过丰富的幻想和夸张的手法来塑造鲜明的形象,用曲折动人的故事情节和浅显易懂的语言文字反映现实生活,抑恶扬善,起到教育人的目的。动画是一种活动的视觉艺术形式,而运用动画所制作的影片则是一种集美术、电影与一体的视觉结合艺术。其表现手法也是多种多样的。改编是指在原有作品的基础上,通过改变作品的表现形式或者用途,创作出具有独创性的新作品。我结合毕业短片《where is Alice》浅谈童话故事的改编在动画中的表现手法和自己的一些体会。在此次毕业短片中,我主要具体研究:童话类题材的创编,故事叙述的起承转合,镜头语言的衔接,画面气氛渲染,人物的形象气质,背景的风格变化,以及如何处理好将深入人心的童话故事内容与新的表现手法相结合。
关键字: 动画 童话 改编 中国 传统元素 融合 共鸣
 Fairy Tale is a more appropriate subject matter for children to read the literature, which in accordance with the child''''s psychological characteristics and needs, through a wealth of fantasy and exaggeration of the way to create an image, with twists and turns of the story moving and easy to understand language to reflect reality life, or good and evil, who played the purpose of education. Animation is a form of visual arts activities, and the use of animation film produced is a collection of Fine Arts, the film combined with the integration of visual arts. Its expression is also varied. Adaptation refers to the original works based on the performance of works by changing the form or purpose, to create new original works. I graduated from short films combining "where is Alice" adaptation of a fairy tale in animation techniques and the performance of some of their own experience. Graduated in the video, I specifically study: the theme of fairy tale-type creation, described in the story together from the transferee, the language of the convergence lens, rendering the atmosphere of the screen, the image of figure temperament, background, style changes, and how to deal with people the contents of the fairy tale with a new combination of methods.
Key word:
Animation   Fairy tale   Reorganization   China  Traditional element Fusion   Sympathetic chord

目  录
摘  要

童话像颗香软的糖 …………………………………………………………3
 2. 3受众群体的喜好、 风俗习惯和文化背景………………………………5
 1.1动画前期一:脚本 ………………………………………………………… 6
 (二)中期 …………………………………………………………………………9
 (三)后期 …………………………………………………………………………10

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