论文编号:XXLW012 论文字数:12652,页数:20
摘 要
关键词:物流 ,投入产出,关联性,波及效应
The Design and Implementation of ……
Logistics industry with its cross-sectoral, regional, cross-sectoral distribution function, integrated features and services, promote the development of all sectors of the national economy has become an important accelerator of economic development, their level of development has become the measure of a comprehensive national and regional competition One important symbol of power. How a more comprehensive understanding of the logistics industry in the national economy status and role of the logistics industry to understand the impact of other sectors of national economy and the radiation function is important for further development of the logistics industry.
Keywords:logistics; input-output; associated; Spreading Effectiveness
目 录
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目录 iii
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的 1
1.2 研究背景 1
1.3 研究方法 1
1.4 论文內容 1
1.5 相关研究的综述 2
1.6 论文创新 3
第二章 相关基础理论 4
2.1 物流业的概念 4
2.2 投入产出理论 6
2.2.1 投入产出模型介绍 6
2.2.2 投入产出基本模型结构 7 投入产出基本模型原理 7 投入产出基本模型重要系数 8
第三章 基于投入产出分析的物流业发展实证分析 10
3.1 浙江省物流业发展现状 10
3.2 实证分析 11
3.2.1 产业总量分析 11
3.2.2 产业特征分析 11
3.2.3 产业关联分析 12
3.2.4 产业波及效应分析 14
第四章 浙江省物流业发展建议 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17