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论文首先综述国内外相关研究现状,提出了研究的意义;其次,界定了银行技术效率和股权结构的概念,分析了中国商业银行股权结构现状和特点,阐述了股权结构对银行技术效率影响的作用机理;然后,对1998-2007年中国14家商业银行运用Data  Envelop Analysis C DEA)非参数法测度银行技术效率,基于股权结构对银行技术效率影响的作用机理提出理论假说,并构建股权结构对银行技术效率影响的Tobit回归模型加以实证,实证结论认为:国有商业银行的技术效率低于股份制商业银行,但之间的差距在逐渐缩小;股权结构对我国商业银行技术效率的改善效果显著,中国商业银行股份制改革明显提升了银行技术效率水平。 论文的创新性工作主要表现在:


Abstract :The research on relationship between ownership structure and Chinese commercial banks'' technical efficiency is one of the most important topics in the theory of finance, although there is still no unified conclusion. At the beginning of this century, Chinese commercial banks started the pace of Shareholding System Reformation, domestic and foreign researchers have paid more and more attention to estimate the effect of ownership structure on technical efficiency. In this paper, we choose Chinese major commercial banks as sample to examine the relationship between them, and intend through in-depth study to draw some conclusions.
Firstly, we review the status of related research, list the means of this paper; then, define the technical efficiency and ownership structure, analyze the present conditions and characteristics of ownership structure of Chinese commercial banks, propose the impact and transmission mechanism between ownership structure and technical efficiency; next, select Chinese 14 commercial banks in 1998-2007 to measure technical efficiency by using DEA method; finally construct Tobit regression model to estimate the impact of ownership structure on the technical efficiency. The empirical results show that: State-owned commercial banks are less technical efficiency than that of Joint-stock banks, while the difference among banks becomes more and more insignificant. The improvement of technical efficiency supports the proceeding Shareholding System Reformation significantly elevates the technical efficiency of Chinese commercial banks.
The main innovations in this dissertation are:
1 .We analyze the functional mechanism between ownership structure and technical efficiency, investigate the effect of the property and concentration of ownership on the
technical efficiency, and propose the transmission mechanism between them.
2. We build DEA model to measure the technical efficiency of commercial banks, construct Tobit regression models to empirically examine the effect of ownership structure on technical efficiency, select the input and output as variables in DEA model and macroeconomic policies, market structure and assets quality as the controllable variables of technical efficiency, respectively. We conclude the results and put forward related policy suggestions.

Key Words: Commercial Bank; Ownership Structure; Technical Efficiency; Non-Parameter Method
1 .1
2007年是中国全面履行“入世”承诺后的第一年,截至2007年年底已经有47个国家和地区的193家银行在中国设立了242家代表处,其中外商独资银行24家、合资银行2家和外商独资财务公司3家;另有23个国家和地区的71家外国银行在华设立了117家分行。 其中25家外资法人银行、57家外资银行分行被获准经营人民币业务,此外,获准从事金融衍生产品交易业务的外资银行机构数量也达到了50家。外资金融机构的资产达到1.25 万亿元,占我国银行业金融机构总资产的2.4%,比上年增加0.3个百分点,总负债 1.14 万亿元,税后利润为60.8亿元。从数量上来看,中国银行业的对外开放程度大大提高, 中外银行之间的全面竞争己经拉开了序幕。虽然,外资银行目前在市场中所占份额较少, 但是,外资银行凭借其在资本、管理经验及技术手段等方面占据的相对优势,可以预见加以时日随着中国金融业的更为全面的对外放开管制,必将会对中国国内商业银行带来
巨大的冲击。 目录:
Abstract .
1.1.2论文的研究意义.. 2
1.2国内外相关文献综述.. 3
1.2.1国外研究现状 3
1.2.2国内研究现状 5
1.3研究内容与创新. 7
1.3.1研究思路及内容.. 7
1.3.2论文的创新点 9
2股权结构对银行技术效率影响的理论分析.. 10
2.1相关概念的界定.. 10
2.1.1银行技术效率. 10
2.1.2股权结构 11
2.2中国商业银行股权结构现状及其特点..:.. 11
2.2.1中国商业银行股权结构现状. 11
2.2.2中国商业银行股权结构特点. 15
2.3股权结构对银行技术效率的作用机理.. 16
2.3.1股权性质对技术效率的影响.. 16
2.3.2股权集中度对技术效率的影响 19
2.3.3股权结构对银行技术效率影响的传导机制. 20
3基于DEA的中国商业银行技术效率测度 22
3.1 DEA两阶段方法在银行效率测度中的应用. 22
3.1.1 DEA非参数法的内涵.. 22
3.1.2 DEA非参数法的优缺点. 23
3.2银行技术效率DEA测度模型的建立.:. 23
3.2.1 DEA两阶段法的基本模型 23
3.2.2投入产出变量的选取. 25
3.3中国商业银行技术效率的测度.. 27
3.3.1样本的选取及数据来源 27
3.3.2变量的统计性特征.. 27
3.3.3银行技术效率的估计结果分析 31
4股权结构对商业银行技术效率影响的实证分析。.. 35
4.1股权结构对银行技术效率影响的理论假说 35
4.1.2股权集中度对银行技术效率影响假说 35
4.2股权结构对银行技术效率影响的模型构建 36
4.3实证结果及其分析. 39
4.3.1股权性质方面. 39
4.3.2股权集中度方面 41
4.3.3其它控制变量方面 42
5结论与政策建议.:.. 43
5.1论文的研究结论.. 43
5.2相关政策建议 45
参考文献. 47
附录A 1998-2007年中国主要商业银行财务数据 49
附录B中国商业银行效率值(1998-2007) 53
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