资料包括: 论文(30页35755字)
说明:摘要:进入二十一世纪以来,工业经济持续高速发展,科学技术水平得到迅速提高,中国在世界经济舞台上发挥着越来越重要的作用,正逐渐成为世界的生产中心。与此同时,机会与挑战并存,市场竞争愈加激烈,低效率高能耗的企业不得不面对更加严峻的生存压力。而企业的社会责任又提出了更高的环保和可持续发展的要求。节能、环保已逐渐成为汽车厂商不得不关注和竞逐的焦点。“环保”已经成为众多厂家和媒体普遍关注的核心主题。据统计,到2010年,中国市场对轮胎总需求量将达 到6亿条。如此规模巨大的生产和消费不可避免的将加快绿色环保技术的开发和应用提到了日程上来。作为汽车上最重要的部件之一,轮胎对于节能减排的作用不容小视。大连ABC轮胎有限公司(ABC (Dalian) Tire Co. Ltd.,以下简称为“大连ABC") 隶属于美国ABC轮胎有限公司((ABC Tire Co. Ltd.,),是世界上规模最大的轮胎生产厂家之一。ABC公司在20多个国家建立了90多个工厂用以生产轮胎、工程橡胶产品和化学产品,应用于各种交通工具,从轿车、轻卡车、卡车、农用车、赛车直到飞机轮胎,包罗万象。ABC在美洲和欧洲设有技术研发中心致力于研发各种创新轮胎科技和专利,为其在全球各地的工厂提供技术支持和服务。同时,ABC还专门为诸多国际一流汽车制造商为设计生产配套轮胎和相关设备,使用ABC轮胎的国际汽车品牌有劳斯莱斯、奔驰、宝马、奥迪、大众、通用、福特、克莱斯勒以及凌志等。2007年,ABC 全球销售额200亿美元,位列《财富》杂志公布的全球企业500强。 本文运用
相关利益;进行价值链分析将企业的投入转化为顾客所重视的产出的一系列活动链,这一过程中包含许多产品增加价值的基本活动,找出最适合本公司利益的企业战略〔29]s 本文的研究对ABC中国的绿色供应链管理问题做出了初步探讨,希望能促进ABC在资源利用与生态保护方面的发展,使企业的发展和环境协调方面得到进一步统一。
Abstract :Since the 21 st century, with the continuous development of industrial economy, the science and technology gains the rapid enhancement. China has played more and more vital role in the world economy and has gradually become the production center of the world. Opportunities and challenges exist at the same time. Low efficient enterprises with high energy consumption have to face more stern survival pressure due to more and more intense market competition. Hence, corporate social responsibility has been boosted up to a higher environmental protection and continuous development level.
Each automobile manufacturer has to focus on energy saving and environmental protection which have gradually become core topics of enterprises and media. Statistics have indicated that till 2010 the Chinese market will demand approx. 600,000,000 tires. For such a huge potential demand it would inevitable speed up the progress of environmental protection technology. As one of the most important parts, tires play the key role in automobiles regarding energy saving and reduction of dioxide production. Through an investigation, the International Energy Agency (IEA) demonstrated during vehicles'' driving, 30% of total energy is consumed to overcome tire rolling resistance. Therefore, a profitable target for developing green tires is to reduce the tire rolling resistance which decreases overall energy consumption of vehicles.
ABC (Dalian) Tire Limited Company (ABC (Dalian)) is the daughter company of American ABC Tire Corporation which is one of the largest tire manufacturers in the world. ABC Corporation operates more than 90 factories in more than 20 countries to produce tires, engineering rubbers and chemicals, applied in some kinds of transportation vehicles, ranging from passenger vehicles, light trucks, regular trucks, vehicles for agriculture purpose, vehicles for race to airplanes. The ABC''s technical R&D centers in America and Europe engage in researching and developing innovative tires with technologies and patents. The Centers also provide technical support and service for all ABC global factories. Meanwhile, ABC supplies tires for a lot of first-class automobile manufacturers with internal reputation such as Rolls
Royce, Benz, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, General, Ford, Chrysler and so on. In 2007, the whole sales of ABC all over the world is 20,000 million US dollars, recognized as Top 500 of the business word evaluated by Fortune.
The application of green supply chain management supports analysis of environmental protection problems among the entire supply chain from raw material purchase, processing, production, retailing to related logistics. "SWOT" analysis determines Dalian ABC Stress,
Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. "Through Stakeholder Theory, this thesis analyzes benefits related to potential competitors, current main competitors, customers, suppliers, etc. Through Value Chain Theory it analyzes added value during green supply chain management. The primary research of green supply chain management in ABC (Dalian) was
introduced in this thesis. Hopefully ABC (Dalian) will achieve a certain progress in terms of energy saving and environment protection, which can promote ABC (Dalian) to develop harmoniously with environment.
Keywords: Stakeholder Theory; Life Circle Assessment; Green Supply Chain M SWOT Analysis
1. 1选题背景
20世纪90年代以来,由于工业化进程的加快,导致资源的掠夺性开发和使用,造成生态环境的恶化。为此,世界各国都付出了沉重的代价,这一代价应作为价格的一个组成部分。然而,以往企业的运营中既没有考虑资源本身的价值,更没有考虑资源使用过程中所造成的环境代价。因此,形成了一种资源无价的价值观,即不考虑土地、矿山、 淡水、大气、森林等资源本身的价值及其使用价值。由于资源无价而带来的原材料的低价使用,不仅造成了产品价格的扭曲‘23],而且带来了生态环境的极大的破坏。环保问题的出现使人们的环保意识日渐提高,各级环保法规对各个社会单元施加越来越严格的环保要求。企业作为社会中的一个重要单元,环保压力往往更加突出,社会要求企业在自身发展的同时对环境负责,使经济发展与资源开发、环境保护协调起来。
目录:摘要 I
Abstract .II
1.1.3大连ABC公司简介. 7
1.3论文的基本思路和主要研究工作 16
2.2大连ABC绿色供应链管理现状分析.. 24
2.2.1轮胎产品分析 24
2.2.2供应商现状分析二。.. 25
2.2.3工厂的生产现状.. 26
2.2.4顾客情况分析.. 26
2.2.5市场分析.. 27
2.3小结,.. 29
3大连ABC绿色供应链管理影响因素分析 30
3.1影响 ABC资源和环保问题的各主要利益相关者 30
3.1.1公司外部利益相关者.. 30
3.1.2公司内部利益相关者.. 32
3.2主要利益相关者影响因素分析 33
3.2.1外部影响因素分析. 33
3.2.z内部影响因素分析…. 34
3.3小结 35
4大连ABC绿色供应链管理对策研究.. 36
4.1绿色设计 36
4.2绿色采购..:.. 37
4.3绿色生产 37
4.4绿色销售、包装和运输.. 38
4.5废弃物的回收和环保处理.. 39
结论. 40
参考文献 41
致谢. 43
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