关键词:广告文案 中国广告 广告年鉴 文案分析
ABSTRACT :The analysis of the advertising copies of 《2003 Chinese Advertisements Yearbook》, classified the copies from different angles, such as structure、media、length、person etc., and described the feature of different kinds of copies, including copies’ character、the proportion of advertisements’ amount and so on, and inserted some examples into analysis to expound detailedly thereby making out the copies’ characteristic of 2003 advertisements.
In addition, based on the analysis of copies’ feature, analyzing comprehensively by combined copies with prouducts and service, expressive ways of advertisements with effect of communicate, to show the effect and status of copy in an advertisement, thus, making out the actual state of 2003 advertising copies. Meanwhile, through analyzed the year’s feature of 2003 advertisements and national feature of Chinese advertisements, to see the social and cultural events which be reflected.
Finally, looking forward to the development trends by synthetic analyzed the advertising copies.
KEY WORDS: advertising copy advertising yearbook Chinese advertising copy analysis
广告文案是广告作品中不可获缺的重要组成部分。程宇宁在其写的《广告文案创意》一书中提到:“平面广告可以没有图形、没有色彩,电波广告可以没有音乐、没有音响,但绝不能没有语言文字。” 文案是将广告诉求更好地传递给受众的工具,好的文案不仅能迅速地抓住受众的注意,更能对整个广告作品起到画龙点睛的作用,从而强化受众的记忆。综观《2003年中国广告作品年鉴》(以下简称《年鉴》)中的广告作品,即使在如今这个被称为是快节奏的社会氛围中,人们早已对广告中的文字失去了耐心的情况下,文案作为在广告创意、广告传达、广告效果等中都占有必不可少的一席之地的部分,仍然是被广告人十分看重的,短而精的文案适应了这个社会的快速生活节奏,但长文案依然没有退出舞台,在相应的媒体上发挥着其特有的光彩。