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中国的保健品品牌往往不能长久地维持自己的品牌优势。产生这种结果的原因有很多:品牌增多导致企业间竞争更加激烈,消费者更精明,更挑剔,更个性化等等。概括的说就是我们目前面临着替代商品(Same Value Product)泛滥的市场状况。企业主导下的致力于产品开发的传统营销概念在变化的市场环境中暴露出缺陷,消费大众也开始显示自我,形成独立存在。因此,通过大众媒体接近更多消费者的"大众营销"逐渐被以消费者个体为对象的"1对1营销"所取代。"物资不足时代"的市场营销方法开始失去效果,把消费者平均化的"通用(One-fit-all)"型传播也失去了以往的威力。虽然其中也不乏在激烈竞争中屹立不到,它们通过自己的取胜之道获得了成功。但是在市场持续走低的环境下,企业各部门如果仍然只顾实现自己的目标而不顾企业的整体需要、不顾消费者的需求的话,它所面临的将是代价高昂的重复浪费和无效工作。为了实现传播活动的完整以产生协同效应,企业必须将各自为阵的内部部门以及与消费者的每一个接触都协调起来,使彼此达到和谐。这样一来整合营销就越来越被保健品商家所注意了。

关键词:保健品 中国市场 营销模式 整合营销传播 整合顾问营销

Abstract:Health care product is one kind of particular goods,It is medicine and food between. Continuously heighten in the wake of what people''s health was conscious of,pursuing the high quality life becomes one kind of fashion behaving of the Chinese consumer.
At the moment Chinese mainland health care product marketplace has moved forward man''s brand the period of the Warring States,The noted brand has gone beyond more than 300. Even if yet being such one seeing the as if mature marketplace,Yet constantly there is company to sigh with feeling why self to put in the greats quantity rates of advertising,It yet be indistinct that yet the product spleens forms are living in the consumer frame of mind. The Chinese health care marketplace full into third all-time low throughout history,The successive sales of 2 years let down speedily,Data make known, the Chinese health care food business invariably markets that the revenue is 193.08 hundred million in 2003,This figure in 2000 level about dropped 60%.
The China health care product brand frequently can not be maintained permanently the brand preponderance of self. The reason to come into being this kind of result possess a lot :The brand is grown in number to cause between the business contest more intensely,Consumer is more shrewd,Still more find fault with,Still more the individualization waits. Hence,be close to " the people''s marketing " of even more consumers being substituted with consumer''s individual by target " 1 to 1 marketing " one by one by means of the people''s mass media. "Goods and materials scarce age " the marketing means in marketplace starts losing effect ," current ( One-fit-all ) " mould equally dissolving consumer is propagated also to lose the might in the past. Can not stand erect reaches although in it also plentiful being living intensely in the contest,They by means of self scores a success the road obtained the success. Yet being living, the marketplace is continue to go away below the low environment,In case business every department yet is absorbed in achieving the target of self but ignoring the business entirety necessaries、Ignore the demand of the consumer words,That it is confronted with shall be cost expensive repeatedly waste and invalid work. Propagate maneuver integrated in order to achieve to come into being the cooperation effect,The business have to along with wholly harmonize respective against the each contact of consumer in the interest of the battle array inside department,Cause to attain one another harmoniously. So " IMC " was simply more and more paid attention to by health care product company.
The IMC is the approximately idea come into being in the wake of the history is developed. For one thing,Business marketing administration person understands the alternation up the marketplace,In case the individualization of consumer, the message awaits against the make varied buy,One by one on the basis of self stand either aim performance marketing function. Lack continuity which supplement reciprocally between " 4P''s " every key element,That this urgently necessaries can be regulated and the different marketing maneuvered of conformity newly approximately. Theory is very great to the contemporary marketing effect to " 4C''s " that IMC proposes,People have to consider what causing linking up becomes probability between business together with formidable relationship person once more. One kind that the IMC is a contemporary trade is extend wonderfully the road,That it will be established is being brand " lasting political stability ". The health care behavior trade is undergoing once the revolution,The core of revolution is :Through the produce,Transform to " health adviser serves ";In case the health care product previously marketing is that the advertisement is bombed than what pieces together,Today the health care product marketing piece is that the business masters target consumer''s resources than pieces together、Supply the capability that well adviser served to target consumer. The IMC shall draw support from different propagations and the selling measure,Propagate identical kind of brand form,Cause the brand revealing itself.

但是保健品市场目前面临着替代商品(Same Value Product)泛滥的市场状况。企业主导下的致力于产品开发的传统营销概念在变化的市场环境中暴露出缺陷,消费大众也开始显示自我,形成独立存在。因此,通过大众媒体接近更多消费者的"大众营销"逐渐被以消费者个体为对象的"1对1营销"所取代。"物资不足时代"的市场营销方法开始失去效果,把消费者平均化的"通用(One-fit-all)"型传播也失去了以往的威力。

第三章 总结目前保健类品牌进行品牌推广中整合营销传播运用的模式对其缺点的评判及其引发的思考16
《整合营销传播》 唐.舒尔孜 内蒙古出版社
《营销管理——分析计划执行和控制》菲利普.科特勒 清华大学出版社
《市场营销导轮》 菲利普.科特勒 华夏出版社
《分割美国——广告与新媒介世界》 约瑟夫.塔洛
《奥美的观点》 奥美公司
《广告心理学》 马谋超 中国物价出版社
《公共关系学》 居延安 复旦大学出版社
《广告媒体研究》 陈俊良  中国物价出版社
《世界营销比较》 刘文俭 中信出版社  
《厦门日报-商业导刊》 2004-02-22
《经济参考报》 2002-02-20
《医药经济报》 2002-11-05
整合营销传播:IMC (2001-03,《 IT经理世界》,作者:申光龙)
整合传播:是理论更是方法 (2001-01, 《销售与市场》,作者:张彬)
整合行销传播 (2000-07, 《销售与市场》)
整合市场营销在IBM的实践 (2001-03,《 IT经理世界》,作者:石俊)
整合营销三大产业 (2000-10, 《销售与市场》,作者:刘海波)
中国营销传播网 http://www.emkt.com.cn
简化整合传播(2002-06-04, 中国营销传播网,作者:宁敬)
整合营销传播:到底该如何“整合”?(2002-04-03, 中国营销传播网,作者:石章强)
整合营销传播的演进特性(2001-12-24, 深圳市麦肯特企业顾问有限公司,作者:唐•舒尔茨)
营销、传播,当然整合 (2001-07-16, 中国营销传播网,作者:丁亚俊)
论整合营销与中国企业 (2001-05-25, 中国营销传播网,作者:magicdragon)
论坛是整合营销的运用 (2000-10-29, 中国营销传播网)

  • 上一篇资讯: 报刊媒体形态与报刊广告文案形式的关系的调查与研究
  • 下一篇资讯: WTO背景下电视媒体的广告营销策略初探
  • 相关资讯





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