Abstract :There are several of the medium appearances, also the advertised manifestation. The different medium appearance suits the different advertisement form, relating to both close, tight and tight connect with each other. Here, primarily we will do the research about the relation between the medium appearance of the newspapers and magazines and the copy form of the newspapers and magazines medium.
The newspaper is the public medium, the copy form of the newspaper advertise various varieties, because of the various variety layout of printed sheet form. To the newspaper, word (namely copy) is the most basic, most used, most powerful manifestation; the newspaper advertisement copy is a finally forms with reader directly.
The magazine is a non-public medium, the copy form of the magazine advertisement is also different, and which is owned to the characteristic of the magazine, which is decided by the layout of the magazine media. To the manifestation of the magazine, the painting plays an important role, usually regarding sketch as principle, the copy is the assistant. But advertise at the layout of printed sheet that have to combine with the diagram text the luxuriant form add a performance, the function of the copy is more important, the variety of copy form is obvious.
The meaning and effect of the copy form have the absolute predominance to the newspapers and magazines medium appearance, the appropriate advertisement copy form goes forward with the fit advertisement medium, can produce the mighty advertisement result, which is the final target of the research of the relation between the media appearance and the copy form. The reasonable arrangement of the medium appearance and the reasonable use of the copy form benefit the advertising effect.
(I will argument the above standpoint in details by the individual cases and analysis.)
Key phrase: copy, manifestation, newspapers and magazines advertising, medium appearance, language technique