【关键词】品牌 品牌推广 广告 品牌广告推广 策略
【 abstract 】 In market economic condition take off , have brought new good fortune to the enterprise of our country , also make the development of enterprise be faced with new risk and challenge, it is that the competition ability of trademark and the intangible assets of enterprise directly concerns the profit of enterprise that economic competition has become the competitive trademark of trademark with future develop future, is enterprise sustainable development whether the key of realization. In the market, trademark is the sign of the sign of quality, the sign of reputation, the sign of market demand and customer''s identification. Our country is well-known set actually production large country, at the same time, it is also unquestionable trademark weak country, therefore the enterprise of our country must act on one''s own to creat , hits to make national trademark , implements trademark advertisement efficiently to popularize strategy. This paper will start with first from trademark extending and advertising general concept, first for trademark advertisement popularize have a preliminary knowledge, then have discussed advertisement to promote sell in the importance with extending trademark and the meaning for enterprise, then have analysed enterprise in trademark advertisement popularize in existent problem, and solicit for problem have made corresponding suggestion. Have elaborated finally in detail how to carry out the trademark advertising problem that popularizes strategy and should pay attention.
【 keyword 】 trademark trademark popularize advertising trademark advertisement popularize strategy
品牌是一种名称、名词、标记、设计或是它们的组合运用, 其目的是藉以辨认某个销售者或某群销售者的产品,并使之同竞争对手的产品区别开来。从感性角度看, 品牌是一个产品或一个企业在视觉、情感、理念和文化等方面的综合形象。
1、特定的品牌只和特定的产品或企业联系在一起, 品牌具有排它性。品牌表达的理念和价值取向对具有相同理念和价值取向的消费者有“锁定效应”, 当消费者在同种或同类产品中进行挑选时, 对一种品牌的认同意味着对其它品牌的不认同。
2、品牌具有品牌价值。美国可口可乐公司董事长伍德鲁福曾说:“只要‘可口可乐’这个品牌在, 如果有一天, 公司在大火中化为灰烬, 那么第二天早上, 全世界新闻媒体的头条消息就是各大银行争着向‘可口可乐’公司贷款”。这正是品牌的价值所在。
3、品牌具有丰富的内涵。不同于名称或标记外在所表现的那样, 品牌不仅仅是一种产品区别于其它产品的标志,一个品牌之所以能吸引消费者,除了它本身的产品质量和产品的一些特点外, 在这个品牌背后更有许许多多的附加价值, 或者叫无形价值。这些无形的价值包括文化、生活方式,还有一些是历史遗产。这是品牌真正能吸引人的地方。