Research on Financial Distress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in China
The small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is a key component of economy. But the difficulty in financing is becoming the crucial factor to restrict their development, and financing for medium-sized and small enterprises becomes a difficult problem all around world. However, it is economic development of our country, especially desirability of land economic development of us to develop small and medium-sized enterprises in a more cost-effective manner, so we must pay great attention to the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises.
The important and realistic factors which cause the predicament in financing of SMEs include the defect of SMEs their selves, the monopolistic degree of bank, the lack of the small and medium-sized financial institutions and the private financial market, and so on. This text starts with the financing distress the small and medium-sized enterprises of our country, reflects the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises through the actual census data, compare solution of this problem and draw lessons from with the international developed country, and then consult classic example of small and medium-sized enterprises and several innovations of financing, finally sum up and solve and propose several items of financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in China.
Key words: small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) , financing for and small medium-sized enterprises, financial distress, angel financing, loan
然而,“融资难”的问题一直严重制约中小企业的发展。按2003年颁布的《中小企业标准暂行规定》,2002年我国134.6万个工业企业中,中小企业占99.8%。据测算,我国国内生产总值超过50%、工业新增产值70%以上、税收40%以上来自中小企业。中小企业提供的就业占全部企业的75%以上。近年来,新增就业人口绝大多数在中小企业就业。一项统计显示,我国大中小企业的资金就业率为0.48: 0.661,这说明,用同样多的资金在中小企业中可以安置比大企业多一倍的劳动力就业,也说明在生产力水平不高的情况下,实现充分就业的主要力量仍然是中小企业,特别是劳动密集型中小企业 。然而,与其相对应的中小金融机构所能提供的信贷份额则只相当于信贷总额的30% ,与中小企业“融资难”形成鲜明对比的是国有商业银行却有大量闲置资金无法贷出。2002年《中国统计年鉴》数据显示,2001年国有商业银行贷款余额为11.5万亿元,存款余额13.9万亿元,存贷差高达2.4万亿元。从中国人民银行2002年4月12日公布的当年第一季度金融统计资料来看,截止当年3月底全国共发放短期贷款65456.07亿元,其中私营及个体企业贷款593.24亿元,仅占0.91% 。据统计,以中小企业为主的乡镇企业每年获得的贷款量仅占银行系统贷款总量的10% ,而对全部中小企业的贷款仅占银行贷款总额的7%----8% 。对上海的一份调查显示,在抽样的2700户中小企业中,有23%已经停产或准备停产,其中47%是由于资金短缺 。