Key word: Brand; Fast expense food; Conformity marketing
Abstract: Now all the various trades and occupations competition all quite is intense, must maintain own competitive advantage to have to make an all-out effort.In competition intense fast consumable profession, because the product are very many, must maintain consumer''s loyalty to be very difficult, therefore the enterprise must have to establish own brand, may say under the future competition environment, the brand will decide food enterprise to consumer''s influence the life and death.China has the multitudinous food category not to appear the strong trend until now at present the national brand, do not have to say contends with with the international on big brand.Therefore needs to make some direction to the domestic enterprise''s brand construction, did this article from the present fast consumable present situation, question obtaining, how summarize has accelerated to expend food enterprise fast brand construction several methods, hoped could have the utilization in the actual work.
1、 快速消费品,快速消费食品概念、理解
1.1快速消费品是指那些消费周期比较短,重复消费频率较高的大众消费品,简称FMCG(fast moving consumer foods)通常它包括的产品类别有:食品(酒水饮料、乳制品、方便面、干脆小食品、保健饮品)、日用品(个人护理用品、卫生用品、洗涤用品、文具等)、电子耗材(包括电池、磁盘等)