摘 要:工业革命以后的先期工业化国家走的是以消耗和破坏自然资源换取经济增长的恶性循环道路。中国在重视经济发展总量和速度的同时,必须注意减少资源的消耗和环境的破坏。根据我国资源紧缺的基本国情,建设资源节约型社会,必须选择一条与发达国家不同的资源组合方式,即非传统的现代化道路,而循环经济是推进资源节约型社会发展的最有效的发展模式。
关键词: 循环经济 资源节约型社会 思考
On Energy-Saving Society Based on Cyclic Economy
Abstract:The industrialized countries after the Industrial Revolution sought after economic growth by means of consuming and destroying natural resources, a vicious cycle. China, while pursuing economic growth and speed, must attend to the consumption of resources and destruction of environment. In line with the basic conditions——resource shortage, China must build up a energy-saving society, a road of development very different from the one sought after by the developed countries. And cyclic economy is the most effective pattern of development in pushing forward energy-saving social development.
Key Words: cyclic economy; energy-saving society; reflections