关键词:邯郸酒店; 市场细分;服务营销战略; 战略
Discussion Handan hotel services marketing strategy
As a result of economic globalization and information technology, the rapid development of China''s hotel industry, will have to directly face the global competitive market, and with internationally renowned hotel group launched in direct competition. The hotel industry''s competitiveness is in fact the quality of personnel in hotel management and operation of the concept of competition, therefore, the hotel marketing strategy study on the growing importance of showing it. Of Handan is developing in this tourist city, the hotel industry is also constantly flourish. In order to meet the opportunities and challenges, hotels must understand the development trend of the hotel, and grasp the changing needs of hotel guests to adjust the operation and management strategies to adapt to changes in source markets in order to better attract and retain hotel guests, thereby enhancing economic efficiency, to obtain more room for development.
Key words: Handan hotel; market segmentation; services marketing strategy