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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/12/23


论文编号:GS386  论文字数:37199,页数:67  工商管理硕士毕业论文 附开题报告,答辩PPT,及初稿,修改稿,终稿

摘  要
 关键字:城商行 信用卡 营销  风险防控

 The credit card stems is from the US, and the credit card service has been quite mature in some developed country. In recent years, both domestic and foreign the researches on to the credit card marketing pattern and product innovation, risk prevention and control''s gradually are deepening, and the academic circle has conducted some massive researches, such as the marketing system construction, the credit card income model theory analysis, the establishment and analysis target customer model and so on, and has conducted the related empirical study, in order to supply to the theory construction. But as a result of various existing difference of countries'' legal environment and capital market development, therefore there''re differences in releasing credit card and marketing matrix in different countries. In addition, our country city bank is facing limitation of the region, the fund, the property quality. Presently, the home the researches about the city firm credit card system construction, the marketing pattern, the risk prevention and control''s fundamental are few. So, it is important and urgent to study the commercial credit card marketing strategy and risk prevention and control from the perspective of domestic city bank.
 For the above, this article will analyze the market model and risks of the city credit card through the use of qualitative analysis, comparative analysis, mathematical analysis, as well as empirical analysis, combining the field investigation in the first half year. This paper expects to achieve desired achievement through following lines to the subject research: (1) Documentation and data collection, processing and analysis. (2) Review the basic theory. (3) A comparative analysis and empirical analysis of the method (4) Policy initiatives. For this study, the theoretical results, empirical research and comparative analysis of empirical conclusions, proposed to establish and improve the national city credit card firm marketing model and risk prevention and control measures and recommendations.
 This article hopes that through the correlation theories research, the practice investigation and study, can obtain the following achievement diligently: (1) To create the new town firm credit card marketing pattern, and establish suits country inner city firm own characteristic the credit card marketing development model, presses to enter a city the standardization which, the legalization and the scientific style the firm credit card develops. (2)To search thoroughly and analyze the possible risks in each link of the city firm credit card development, and proposes the rationalization proposal to the risk prevention and control.
 Key words: City firm; Credit card; Marketing; Risk prevention and control

目 录
序 言 1
第一节  研究背景 1
第二节  文献综述 1
一、国外信用卡发展现状 1
二、信用卡营销体系建设 2
三、城商行理论研究 3
四、风险防控 3
第三节  研究方法 4
第四节  体系结构 5
第五节  论文创新点 5
第一章  城商行信用卡营销体系概述 7
第一节  城商行信用卡营销体系相关理论 7
一、城市商业银行 7
二、信用卡理论 9
三、营销体系理论 10
第二节  信用卡营销体系运作的理论基础 11
一、信用卡发展硬体系 11
二、信用卡发展软体系 13
三、信用卡运作及收益 15
第二章  信用卡产业的发展和现状 21
第一节  国外信用卡产业的发展历程 21
一、商业信用卡阶段 21
二、银行信用卡阶段 21
第二节  国内信用卡产业的发展历程 24
一、商业银行信用卡产业发展概述 24
二、城商行信用卡产业发展概述 26
第三节  国内信用卡产业现状分析 27
一、 商业银行信用卡产业现状分析 27
二、 城商行信用卡产业现状分析 27
第三章  城商行信用卡发展的必要性和可行性分析 29
第一节   城商行信用卡发展的意义 29
第二节  城商行信用卡发展条件可行性分析 29
一、市场环境基本具备 29
二、试点经验值得借鉴 30
第三节 城商行信用卡发展的约束条件可突破性分析 31
一、网络局限性实现突破 31
二、与银联合作,不断完善、创新服务体系 32
第四章  城商行信用卡营销策略分析 33
第一节  城商行信用卡发展涉及的当事人 33
一、发卡机构 33
二、持卡人 34
三、特约商户 34
第二节  国外信用卡营销策略借鉴 34
一、美国信用卡——多样化信用卡营销策略 34
二、法国信用卡业务营销策略 35
三、吸取韩国经验教训 36
第三节  国内信用卡营销策略比较分析 37
一、招商银行营销策略浅析 37
二、工商银行营销策略浅析 38
三、信用卡营销策略比较 39
第四节  国内城商行信用卡营销策略选择 40
一、影响营销策略选择的因素分析 40
二、国内城商行信用卡营销策略探索的路径 40
三、适合国内城商行信用卡营销的策略探讨 42
第五章  城商行信用卡发展中存在的风险及管理 46
第一节  信用卡发行前的风险及管理 46
第二节  信用卡发行后的风险及管理 47
一、营销过程中的风险及管理 47
二、信用卡套现风险及管理 48
第六章 结论与展望 50
参考文献 51
致 谢 53

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