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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/13


论文编号:GS941  论文字数:13627,页数:18


 [摘 要] 近年来,随着我国经济的持续发展,商旅活动与日俱增,与之配套的酒店旅馆业也得到了一定的发展。价格水平较为低下但服务水平较高的经济型连锁酒店,在人们的消费观念趋向理性的情况下,在酒店业中的地位也与日俱增,越来越多的消费者将它作为出差旅行的首选住宿地。
[关键词] 连锁经营;经济型酒店;7天酒店

[Abstract]Recently, with the development of economy, the business activities has increasing, and the hotel industry has also been a certain amount of development. Relatively low level of prices but a higher level of service-based economy hotel chain in the concept of people''''s consumption trends in the case of a rational, in the hotel industry''''s position has become increasingly, more and more consumers are going to it as the first choice travel accommodation to. Domestic chain hotel development has lagged behind that of foreign, economic-based chain of hotels over the past few years even before the emergence of a new format, as the best chain of economy hotels, hotel seven days with the status of the development of a whole chain of domestic economy Format of a microcosm of the hotel. In this paper, some information on the collection, use this tool SWOT matrix analysis of the hotel seven days a status quo, also reflects the economic chain hotel of this format in our market at a general business situation. Through the analysis, but also for seven days and other economic-based hotel chain to point out a direction of development.
[Key words] chain;hotel;economy;7days

目 录
一、序章 6
1. 研究背景、目的和意义 6
2. 研究方法与思路 6
3. 论文框架与内容 6
二、国际国内连锁酒店概况 7
1. 国际大型连锁酒店的发展概况 7
(1)酒店连锁在国外渐成主流 7
(2)主要酒店连锁模式 7
2. 国际连锁酒店在中国发展的状况 7
3. 国内连锁酒店的概况 8
三、我国经济型酒店连锁经营的发展特点 8
1. 直营连锁:兼并与收购 9
2. 自愿连锁:战略联盟 9
3. 特许经营 9
四、7天连锁酒店概况及其经营环境分析 10
1. 7天连锁酒店集团 10
(1)概况 10
(2)特点 11
2. 经营模式特点--鼠标加水泥 11
(1)利用互联网低成本扩张,完成全国市场布局 11
(2)利用互联网进行资源整合,建立更大的盈利平台 11
(3)利用互联网平台,完善战略联盟 12
(4)利用互联网打造信息平台,为供求双方提供服务 12
五、7天连锁酒店的竞争环境 12
1. 优势 13
(1)产品价格低廉 13
(2)成本低 13
(3)布点多 13
2. 劣势 13
(1)各分店水平参差不齐 13
(2)分店布局不均匀 13
3. 机会 14
(1)国内旅游市场的膨胀带来的客房需求 14
(2)商务人士接受经济型连锁酒店 14
(2)星月联盟的成立 14
4. 威胁 14
(1)国内其他经济型连锁酒店的冲击 14
(2)国外大型经济型连锁酒店的冲击 14
(3)金融危机的负面影响 14
5. SWOT 矩阵 15
六、7天连锁酒店未来发展方向思考 15
1. 7天未来发展与“成本领先战略”的矛盾 15
2. 盒式旅馆 16
3. 为什么选择盒式旅馆 16
结论  17
注释  18
参考文献  19

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