论文编号:GS655 论文字数:11061,页数:15
为进一步加强和改善房地产市场调控,稳定市场预期,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展,2010年以来我国政府接连下发了“新国四条”、“新国十条”等一系列政策措施遏制房价过快上涨。尤其是被业界称为“新国十条”的楼市新政从政府监管、金融政策、交易税费、土地交易、房源供应等多方面作了严格规定,被称为“有史以来力度最大的一次楼市调控 ”。但遗憾的是,密集的调控政策并没有在调控房价方面发挥立竿见影的效果,政府出台一系列组合拳,到底是“调控”还是“空调”引起市场各方的质疑。因此,在一轮又一轮的地产新政出台后,房产税成了中国楼市又一根救命稻草。房产税对我国房地产行业到底有多大的影响,这个影响到底是好是坏,房产行业如何应对房产税 这三个问题成为社会各界热议的话题。本文着眼于房产税实施以来房产行业的一些变化,系统的分析并阐述了房产税对我国房地产行业的影响,并提出了相应的对策。
房产税; 房地产行业; 影响; 调控政策
House property tax of Chinese real estate industry influence
To further strengthen and improve the real estate market regulation, stable market expectations, and promote the healthy development of real estate market smoothly in 2010 have since our government issued a "new countries four", "new countries 30" a series of policies and measures to curb property rise rapidly. Especially was known in the industry as "new countries from the property market," new article government regulation, financial policy, trade taxes, land transactions, the supply of houses many strict rules, known as "one of the biggest ever market regulation efforts." But unfortunately, intensive regulation policies did not play in control property prices for immediate effect, the government issued a series of one-two, exactly is "control" or "air conditioning" cause market questioned the parties. Therefore, in the round and round of real estate, house property tax on new after another into China property market life-saving straw. House property tax of Chinese real estate industry, how much impact on the influence of this is good or bad, the housing industry how to deal with real estate taxes these three questions become social circles of hot debate topics. This article focuses on the housing industry since the implementation of house property tax some change, system analysis and expounds on our property taxes the influence of real estate industry, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.
【keyword 】
Real estate taxes; Real estate industries; Influence; Control policies
【摘要】 1
【关键字】 1
【Abstract】 2
【keyword 】 2
目录 3
前言 4
1房产税概述 5
1.1房地产的相关知识 5
1.1.1房地产的含义 5
1.1.2房地产业的含义 5
1.2房产税相关知识 5
1.2.1房产税的含义 5
1.2.2房产税的起源 5
1.2.3房产税特点 6
1.2.4房产税计税依据 6
2我国房地产行业发展现状及存在问题 7
2.1我国房地产行业发展现状 7
2.1.1我国房地产行业发展概况 7
2.1.2具体表现 7
2.2我国房地产行业存在的问题 9
2.2.1市场发育不良,泡沫化程度较高 9
2.2.2土地的供应不规范,政府机会主义行为严重 10
2.2.3供需结构失衡 10
2.2.4房地产业对金融依赖程度较高,蕴藏着较大的金融风险 10
3房产税对房地产行业的影响 11
3.1房产税改革有助于引导居民理性购房 11
3.2完善地方税收体系,增加了房产税收 12
3.3调节居民收入分配 13
3.4间接的推高了房租 13
3.5增加了开发商的资金压力 13
结束语 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15