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摘 要:英语教学的远期、最终目标是逐渐培养学生英语的交际能力。然而,对于一般的英语教师来说,在常规教室里面是很难具体操作的。随着20世纪信息时代的出现,多媒体辅助英语教学为英语教学提供了更为先进的媒介。科技的发展推动了现代教学技术的发展,多媒体的出现更促进了教学的改革。本论文从揭示传统小学英语教学的弊端入手,分析多媒体辅助小学英语教学利用声音、图片、影像和动画等在全面调动学生的学习兴趣和积极性方面的优势.

关键词 多媒体;小学英语教学;辅助;创设情境;学习兴趣


The ultimate and permanent goal of English teaching is to enable students to acquire the ability to communicate in English. However, it is very hard for the English teachers to perform in the common physical classroom. As the information age commenced in the late 20th century, Multimedia-assisted Language Teaching systems have been developed to provide a more advanced medium for English teaching. With the development of science and technology, the development of multimedia technology urges the educational reforms. The aim of this thesis is to find disadvantages of traditional primary English teaching and then to analyze the advantages of application of multimedia to assist primary English teaching by means of using sounds, pictures, films and flashes.
It is true that multimedia has many advantages in teaching, such as saving class time, arousing students’ interests, offering more information, providing opportunities for real communication, etc. But at the same time, based on studying and analyzing large amount of teaching practices and experiences, the author points out some problems that exist in the course of multimedia-assisted English teaching and puts forward some reasonable suggestions.

Key Words

Multimedia; primary English teaching; assist; set scene; learning interests


Modern educational technology is to develop and use advanced teaching media and then to form better information carriers of teaching, so that the teachers can use it to improve the teaching efficiency of classroom and to urge the reforms of education. In English teaching, multimedia has profound significance.
The main purpose of primary English teaching is to inspire the students’ interests, to train students’ pronunciation and intonation, to develop students’ communicative abilities and to create condition of learning English. Therefore, in the process of English teaching the teacher’s task is to set scene, to increase information and to find good methods for teaching. With the development of learning theories and educational technology, application of multimedia is the best way to improve teaching efficiency and to push teaching reforms.
Nowadays, there are many teachers or people who can not realize the advantages of multimedia so that many teaching aids or tools can not be used sufficiently. Primary English teaching is a basic phase of a learner. In this phase a child starts to form his or her fondness for English. By the comparison with the traditional primary English teaching, this paper wants to let the teachers and people find the disadvantage of traditional primary English teaching methods and know the usefulness of using multimedia to assist primary English teaching. This paper will give some points for attention of application multimedia so that primary English teachers can get some references from it. This thesis will let the teachers know the multimedia more clearly so that they can use it correctly and effectively.


Key Words……………………………………………………………………………… I
关键词……………………………………………………………………………………………II Introduction……………………………………………………………………….……..1
I. An Introduction to Multimedia-Assisted Language Teaching…………………….2
II. The Theoretical Base of Applying Multimedia in Primary English Teaching………..2
A. Constructivism Theory…………………………………………………………….2
B. Cognitive Psychology..4
III.The Disadvantages of Traditional Primary English Teaching ………………………5
A.Classroom as a Stage of Teachers………………………………………………5
B.Classroom as a Training Center of Students……………………………………5
C.Classroom as a Stage of Knowledge Instillation…………………………………6
D.Classroom as a Stage of the Same Teaching Mode……………………………… 6
IV. The Advantages of Applying Multimedia in Primary English Teaching……………6
A. The Teaching Features of Multimedia…………………………………………….7
1. Electronization and Visualization……………………………………………7
2. Plentiful Expression and Extensive Applicability……………………………7
3. Advanced Teaching Methods…………………………………………………..8
B. Application of Multimedia to Remedy the Disadvantages of Traditional Primary English Teaching………………………………..8
1. Creating Harmonious Relationship Between Teachers and Students……….8
2.Creating Harmonious Relationship Between Teaching Materials and Methods……………………………………………………………………….9
3. Creating Student-centered Teaching Mode…………………………………..10
4. Inspiring Learners’ Motivation, and Arousing Learners’ Interest…………11
C. Other Advantages of Applying Multimedia in Primary English Teaching…12
1. In Favor of Development of Students’ Sentiment…………………………….12
2.Application of Multimedia to Stress Emphasis and Breakthrough Difficulties…………………………………………………………………….13
3. Application of Multimedia to Increase Teaching Content……………………13
V. Analyzing from Primary English Teaching Elements………………………………..13
A. Analyzing from Learners 13
B. Analyzing from Teaching Content..…………………………………………….14
C. Analyzing from Key Points of Successful English Teaching…………………….14
VI. Good Strategies of Applying Multimedia …………………………………………15
A. Application of Multimedia to Set Scene…..…………………………………15
1. Intuitional Scene………………………………………………………………15
2. Story Scene……………………………………………………………………16
3. Life Scene……………………………………………………………………..17
B. Application of Multimedia to Organize English Class…….……………………..18
1. Application of Multimedia Before Class……………………………………18
2. Application of Multimedia in the Class……………………………………….18
3. Application of Multimedia After Class………………………………………..18
VII. Main Problems of Multimedia-assisted Primary English Teaching……………19
VIII. Matters Needing Attention in the Application of Multimedia………………..20

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浅谈运用多媒体辅助小学英语教学 Conclusion

In the class, teachers should supply opportunities to students as many as possible. The traditional primary English teaching methods can not create good teaching circumstance for students. With the development of educational technology, multimedia appears. Multimedia as a teaching tool can use animated graphics, full-motion videos, and flashes, and so on to create a vivid teaching mode for learners. The purpose of primary English teaching is to inspire students’ interests, to develop students’ communicative abilities, and to increase teaching information. Multimedia can provide a good assistant for teachers.
This thesis introduces the application of multimedia to assist English teaching thoroughly from multimedia advantages, problems, basic theories, and so on. Through the study, the author holds that multimedia technology is helpful and necessary to be used to aid primary school English teaching, and it is feasible and unavoidable to apply multimedia-assisted devices in English teaching. The application of multimedia can create an emulational communicative circumstance. As a result, students’ interests of English learning and their desire to communicate in English have been aroused.
Multimedia is an important development of modern education technology. In future there will be more and more English teachers studying multimedia-assisted English teaching, so this is a useful topic. If multimedia-assisted English teaching can be studied clearly and perfectly, it will urge the development of Chinese primary education and English teaching reforms.

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