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摘 要:外语学习中情感问题一直受到研究者们的关注。过去先后出现的教学法如暗示法,沉默法,社团语言学习法,全身反应法等都特别强调语言学习中的情感问题。20世纪70年代以来,语言教学研究的重点从研究教师如何转向教学习者如何学,其中一个重要研究领域是—情感,这一造成学习结果差异的学习者个体因素。研究表明,外语学习受性别,年龄,个性特点,学习环境,语言学能,学习态度,情感因素,认知风格和学习策略等诸多因素的影响。情感因素,如语言焦虑,学习动机,自尊心,自信心,移情和抑制等,直接影响到学习者的学习行为和学习效果,其影响和作用是不可低估和忽视的。积极情感有利于激发外语学习者学习语言的兴趣和动力,发挥其学习潜能,克服语言焦虑和心理抑制,对外语学习产生积极作用。文章分析了学习动机,语言焦虑,自信心,自尊心,抑制对外语习得的影响,提出培养积极情感,降低消极情感的策略。 更重要的是本文着重强调和分析了情感因素之一――情感因素与外语学习的关系。因此,文章在分析了学习动机,语言焦虑,自信心,自尊心,抑制对外语习得的影响后,提出了培养积极情感,降低消极情感的策略。


情感因素; 积极情感; 外语学习; 策略


Researches show that in our daily life, many factors can affect the foreign language learning, such as sex, age, character, environment, languages competence, learning attitude, affective factors, cognition style and learning strategy, etc. However, affective factors may be the most important which contain language anxiety, learning motivation, self-esteem, confidence and inhibition. At the same time, all of these factors can affect the learner’s learning behavior and their results directly, and the influence and functions cannot be estimable and ignored. Therefore, during the foreign languages learning, it is quite important for us to understand how to make use of the positive affective factors, reduce negative affective factors, and bring learner’s potentials into full play. Furthermore, all of them can promote foreign languages teaching and improve the results of foreign languages learning effectively.
As we know, affect refers to people’s subjective feelings and sentimental reflections when they face these phenomena of happiness, anger, grief and joy. Affect can be divided into positive affect and negative affect. The positive affect, such as interest, motivation, attitude, self-esteem and confidence, can contribute to bringing learner’s learning potentials into play, and improve learning efficiency. On the contrary, negative affect, such as anxiety, inhibition, timidity, tension, disappointment and disgust, can prevent learners bringing their potentials into play and affect learning results. Jane Arnold (1999) divided the affective factors into two types. One is learner’s individual factor that includes anxiety, inhibition, self-esteem, motivation, etc, and the other is affective factor of learners and teachers, including classroom communication, and awareness of cross-culture, etc.


Abstract I
Key WordsI
I. Affective Factors in Foreign Languages Learning.2
A. Anxiety.2
B. Inhibition..3
C. Motivation4
D. Self-esteem.7
E. Self-confidence.8
II. Relationship between Affective Factors and Foreign Languages Learning Achievements9
III. Cultivation of Positve Affective Factors in the Process of Foreign Language Learning..10
A. Cultivating Learner’s Initiative of Foreign Language Learning..10
B. Reducing Language Anxiety and Improving Learning Efficiency..10
C. Developing and Increasing Student’s confidence and Safeguarding their Self-esteem……………………………………………………………….…11


Researches show that in our daily life, many factors can affect the foreign language learning, such as sex, age, character, environment, languages competence, learning attitude, affective factors, cognition style and learning strategy, etc. However, affective factors may be the most important which contain language anxiety, learning motivation, self-esteem, confidence and inhibition. At the same time, all of these factors can affect the learner’s learning behavior and their results directly, and the influence and functions cannot be estimable and ignored. Therefore, during the foreign languages learning, it is quite important for us to understand how to make use of the positive affective factors, reduce negative affective factors, and bring learner’s potentials into full play. Furthermore, all of them can promote foreign languages teaching and improve the results of foreign languages learning effectively.
As we know, affect refers to people’s subjective feelings and sentimental reflections when they face these phenomena of happiness, anger, grief and joy. Affect can be divided into positive affect and negative affect. The positive affect, such as interest, motivation, attitude, self-esteem and confidence, can contribute to bringing learner’s learning potentials into play, and improve learning efficiency. On the contrary, negative affect, such as anxiety, inhibition, timidity, tension, disappointment and disgust, can prevent learners bringing their potentials into play and affect learning results. Jane Arnold (1999) divided the affective factors into two types. One is learner’s individual factor that includes anxiety, inhibition, self-esteem, motivation, etc, and the other is affective factor of learners and teachers, including classroom communication, and awareness of cross-culture, etc.

Armold, J.(ed). Affect in language learning. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Crooks, G., Schmidt, R. Motivation: Reopening the research agenda. University of Hawaii Working papers in ESL, 1989.
Dickinson, L. Self-Instruction in Language Learning. Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Ellis, Rod. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Gardner, R. & Lambert, W. E. Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language. Rowley, MA: Newbury House, 1972.
Gardner, R. & Macintyre, P. D. On the Measurement of Affective Variables in Second Language Learning. Language Learning, 1993.
Gardner, R.& Social Psychology and Second Language Learning. London: Edward Arnold, 1985.
Horwitz, K. Preliminary evidence for the reliability and validity of a foreign language anxiety scale. TESOL Quarterly, 1986.
Jane Arnold, Emotion in language learning; Cambridge University Press, (288-297).
Macintyre, P. D. & Gardner, K Language Anxiety: its Relationship to Other Anxieties and to Processing in Native and Second Language. Language Learning, 1991, (41).
Maslow, A. Motivation and Personality (2nd ed). New York: Harper & Row, 1970.
McClelland, D.C, & Jemmott J. B. Power motivation, stress and psychologist. Journal of Human Stress. 6(4): 6-15, 1980.
Vivian, Cook. Second Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.
李银仓. 论外语教学的情感目标 (J). 外语教学, 2005, (2).
[15] 骆敏, 刘锦东. 健康从心开始 [M]. 上海: 同济大学出版社, 2006,(1).
[16] 祁虹, 黎宏. 外语学习中的情感因素分析 [J]. 西南民族大学学报,2004, (6).


This thesis studies learner’s four major affective factors: anxiety, motivation, self-esteem, self-confidence and inhibition. The results of the survey reveal that various affective factors are intertwined and interrelated, and motivation plays a very important role in successful attainment of language acquisition. High motivated students can get actively involved in the learning process and achieve greater success. Students who lack motivation have no desire and make no effort in learning process at all. However, lack of motivation seems to be a trend in our foreign languages learning classroom. Furthermore, this thesis also discusses affective factors which affect foreign languages learning, thinks that positive affective factors are beneficial to foreign languages learning, however, negative affective factors have negative influence on foreign languages learning and learning results. Furthermore, teachers should have a right and normal attitude to the relationship between the affective factors and foreign languages learning. At the same time, teachers should enrich teaching methods; establish good learning environment and atmosphere. Furthermore, teachers should pay attention to student’s character, apply active affective strategy, help students thoroughly make use of positive affective factors, reduce or remove negative affective factors, stimulate learning enthusiasm, bring learning potentials into play. Teachers should understand that the students who hear far more critical than encouraging remarks about themselves may suffer in their self-esteem, which can cause them to feel unsure about trying new ventures, or can interfere with learning, relationships, succeeding and numerous other crucial things in life. It’s the conditions that cause great unhappiness and impede their personal growth.
Furthermore, what students study in classroom may seem meaningless and boring, with application to their lives. Secondly, teachers should understand that helping foreign languages learners to be aware of affect in foreign languages learning can provide the scaffolding for more effective and efficient learning. A broad understanding of learning environments, learning styles and learning strategies can allow foreign languages learners to take control of their learning and maximize their potentials for learning. At the same time, students should need time to investigate and experience resources that enable them to experiment and discuss, and they need the opportunity to evaluate what they are learning. Therefore, during foreign learning teaching, teachers should change concept, intensify awareness that emotive factors have great influence on language learning, put emphasis on student’s emotion release and emotion expression, strengthen self-confidence and self-esteem, develop self-learning, change learning strategy and improve foreign languages comprehensive competence. At the same time, the most important point is that when the foreign languages learners possess the good and deep basis of foreign languages, they can have more opportunities to have their own choices to find their satisfactory jobs that they really want to possess. And then with their growth of foreign languages, they can have a better understanding with the specific culture, society and so on of their foreign languages.
All in all, affective factors have a quite closely relations with foreign languages learning, we should firstly divide types of them, especially according to its different influences, and then know the relations of affective factors and foreign languages learning. Through different influences of different affective factors, teachers should encourage and help the foreign languages learners develop positive affective factors, thus they can have a deep understanding to the foreign languages they are learning.

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