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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(23页5793字) 
摘 要 :本文从东西方文化差异的角度,探讨我国英汉广告的翻译。本文旨在提高涉外广告的翻译质量和译文的宣传效果,从而更加有效地推动中国经济的发展。文章讨论了英汉广告翻译中应注意的几个问题,总结了广告翻译的规律和技巧。提出了英汉广告翻译不应拘泥于忠实,而应服务于产品销售。在英汉广告翻译的过程中,必须重视东西方的文化差异,必须考虑国外消费者的文化习惯和审美心理,考虑他们对所译商品广告的反应,注意文化之间的转换并与产品特点紧密结合。

关键词 文化差异;广告翻译;跨文化交际;商标翻译

As the product of culture, advertisement can show the close relationship between language and culture. This paper tries to approach the translation of the trademarks of import and export commodities from the angle of the cultural differences,thus promote the development of Chinese economy. This paper discusses some issues about English-Chinese advertisement translation, and sums up some skills. Instead of being limited in faithfulness, English-Chinese advertisement translation should focus on the purpose of selling products. In the process of translating advertisements, cultural differences and product characteristics should be taken into consideration. Cultural differences can show that it is very important to know the western consumer’s aesthetic conception and their response to the translated trademarks.

Key Words

cultural differences; advertisement translation; cross-cultural communication; trademarks translation

Key Words…………………………………………………………………..……I
I. A Brief Introduction to English-Chinese Advertisement……………..……2
A. The Definition of Advertisement………..………….……2
B. The Origins of Advertisement………………………..….…..….……………3
C. Basic Functions of Advertisement……..………………………………………3
II. The Characteristics of English-Chinese Advertisement Translation……………….4
A. The Characteristics of the English-Chinese Advertisement Languages…………4
1. Rhetorical Characteristics: Frequent Use of Pun and Alliteration………4
2. Frequent Use of Emotive words……….………………….…………….…5
3. Frequent Use of Some Verbs5
B. The Principles of English-Chinese Advertisement Translation…………..….6
III. The Cultural Differences…………………………………………………….7
A. Differences in National Characteristics and Aesthetic Attitude………..8
B. Differences in Numbers………………..…………..……………………..…8
C. Differences in Regional Environments…………………………………………9
D. Differences in Colors, Signs and Symbols……………..………….………10
E. Differences in Psychological Structures……………………………………….11
F. Differences in Cultural Sense of Values………….………………………….11
IV.The Translating Skills of English-Chinese Advertisement Translation…..…….12
A. Literal Translation……………………………………………………………12
B. Liberal Translation……………………………………………………………13
C. Translation of Parody……………….………………………………………13


In modern times, with the commercialization of society, the role of advertisement becomes more and more important in every-day life. We live in a world of advertisement. With the deepening of economic internationalization, advertisement as sales stimulus plays a crucial role in delivering information. Therefore it appears to be more important to understand, appreciate and translate advertisement language properly.
English-Chinese advertisement is a transnational and cross-cultural way to promote the sales of various commodities. In the practice of English-Chinese advertisement, translators play a decisive role in the using of appropriate advertisement language. Meanwhile, the style of English-Chinese advertisement is different from other texts and emphasis on cross-cultural feature, so the translation of them requires the application of suitable translation strategies.
The intensification of English-Chinese exchanges and severe competition creates a growing need for advertisement and thus for advertisement translation. Advertisement translation is getting more and more important, and its role in English-Chinese marketing is indispensable. It is the ultimate purpose of all commercial advertisements to persuade the target audience or potential consumers into buying a product.
The English advertisement is a lively and distinctive field. What are the features of English ads at a linguistic dimension and how to translate them well into Chinese? All this is given a careful discussion and a detailed study in this paper.
Boone and Kurtz. Contemporary Business. Chicago: The Dryden Press, 1990.
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Ernst-August Gutt. Translation and relevance: cognition and context. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.
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英汉广告翻译中的文化差异 - Conclusion

Due to the rapid development of globalization, more and more domestic products need to enter the English-Chinese market. However, few foreigners master Chinese, they even hardly learn about profound Chinese culture. Above all, there are many differences which cause barriers in cross-cultural communication. This decides that if Chinese commodities want to enter the external market, excellent advertisement translation is important and necessary. So learning about cultures, especially the differences among different cultures, is prerequisite to successful English-Chinese marketing.
To conclude, in the cross-cultural communication, Chinese advertisement translation must take into account the cognition, customs, cultural background of the target consumers. Translators should research consumer’s culture deeply. The target language and methods of ads must approach the cultural psychology and aesthetic standards of the target consumers. Of course, Chinese traditional culture must be kept and reflected in the translation.
In a word, a good ad can draw people’s attention rapidly, while an excellent advertisement translation can make the domestic products capture English-Chinese market and win the target consumers’ interest more easily. Above all, it can promote the domestic products’ sales in foreign countries and gain the English-Chinese market’s share better. These are ultimate objectives of advertisement translation. We believe that, based on good quality and excellent advertisement translation, our domestic products will further strengthen the image of products and win more share in the English-Chinese market. Meanwhile, Chinese traditional culture and spirit are also publicized in the world. There will be more and more people who are going to learn about Chinese culture and like China.

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