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资料包括: 论文(19页5089字) 
摘 要 :阅读是一项涉及面非常广泛而又复杂的技能,我们在二语习得时,阅读中可能遇到的障碍不仅仅是来自于其语言知识本身,更多致命障碍来自于目标语言与母语之间的文化差异对阅读理解所造成的影响,这种语言的文化差异存在于背景知识,词汇,句子,和篇章结构中。它们对阅读产生直接影响并可能导致潜在的阅读障碍,只有针对产生阅读障碍的原因找出切实可行的办法,才能有效地提高阅读能力。


Reading is a very complicated skill involving many aspects. Linguistic knowledge can affect one’s reading, but cultural factors play a more important role in reading process. Many true and serious reading barriers are not only from the proficiency of language knowledge itself, but also caused by cultural differences between target language and our mother tongue. Cultural differences exist in background information, words, sentences, and text structures, all of which are going to cause potential barriers in reading. Only by finding a feasible way to remove the barriers can we improve our reading ability.

Key Words

Cultural differences; reading comprehension; reading barriers; solutions

Key Words…………………………………………………………………….……I
摘要………….…………………….………….. ……Ⅱ
I. Culture and Second Language learning..……………….…………2
A. Definition of Culture..……….………………….…………3
B. Relationship between Language and Culture…….……………….…………3
C. Role of Culture in Second Language Learning…….………..………………4
II. Several Aspects of Cultural Factors in Reading………………………………….4
A. Cultural Differences in Background Information……….……..…………..4
B. Cultural Differences in Words………..……..………………….………………..6
C. Cultural Differences in Sentences…………..…….……………….…………….7
D. Cultural Differences in Text Structures……….……….………………………7
III. Some Approaches to Remove Cultural Barriers in Reading…………….…..8
A. Eliminating Interference from Mother Tongue…….…..……………..……8
B. Cultural Contextualized Teaching Method……….…………..………..…….9
C. Extracurricular Activities Application..………………………………..………10

Language and culture are mutually functioned and dialectically interacted in the sociolinguistics theory. Language is the cornerstone and carrier of culture. There will be no culture without languages. And more, language is the mirror of culture and affected by it. Culture makes the rule of language, and leads the tendency of its production and development. So, each kind of language is characterized by its national special and unique features and distinctive from the others (刘守华,1992, pp.147-148). It is an important aim for a second language learning to master its culture by reading foreign material. In turn, we will encounter many problems and barriers in reading for lacking of cultural knowledge on the target language. All of above, we should be clear to see that, it is necessary to indeed and basic for reading to well know and understand the foreign language and culture.
Reading is regarded as a communicative and social activity in modern English teaching theory. It is the most useful way to talk about information between the author and reader. But we don’t think that people who already mastered a certain degree about vocabulary and grammar have the ability of communicating with the author heart-to-heart. Reading is not only a process of simply decoding of singles and symbols of language, but it is also a very complicated and intricate work. The ability of understanding is not only decided by the proficiency of language knowledge itself but also restricted by the national culture.
Language is the fundamental element and carrier of its distinctive national culture; it always carries information of its national culture in the text structures, sentences, even in a single word (董亚芬,1997, pp.19-23). We should know some background information about language cultures in reading matters. So, we can not only focus on the study of lexical meaning, syntactic meaning, and grammatical meaning, but should we extract the cultural information contained reading materials in the target language. It can help us catch the essential meaning beyond the words and symbols in the text, and enhance and consolidate the cultural awareness in comparison with different cultures.
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Diane Larsen-Freeman, Michael H.Long. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.
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二语习得中文化差异对阅读的影响. - Conclusion

Reading is a crisis and key point in second language acquisition. Especially in China, to whatever kind of learners, reading ability is one of the most important standards to measure one’s English level. So, reading becomes the most emergent and urgent problem that all the Chinese learners should solve.
But we know that, English belongs to the Low West Germanic branch of the Indo-European family. The English language is of a mixed character, on the one hand, it shares with West Germanic languages many common words and similar grammatical structures. On the other hand, more than half of English vocabulary is derived from Latin and French. But we Chinese live in the east of the earth for thousands of years, so, the cultural differences may be the greatest block on our way to learn English.
At the end of this paper, we know that cultural differences can be found in background information, words, sentences, and text structures, all of which are barriers in reading. Each of them is likely to make some troubles when we do some reading, as every one of them is one of the key elements of language system. So, it’s absolutely necessary to get ourselves to be familiar with the culture of the certain kind of language, which we need to analyze the difference of cultures from other counties with the same job of contrasting with our native cultures, and to properly apply those to the right circumstance whenever we encounter reading matters in our real life. Only by finding a feasible way to solve the problem of each aspect of the former mentioned can we remove the reading barriers and improve the reading ability.
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