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摘 要:教育部在颁布的《高中英语教学大纲》中指出,“听说英语是英语教学的重要目的之一,英语教学要重视听说训练和口语能力的培养。”传统英语听说教学方法存在着以教师教学为主,单纯重视词汇与语法的灌输而忽略了对学生的听说能力培养的不足。这使得学生虽然熟练掌握了词汇和语法,却不能用来进行有效听说交流。本课题通过对英语教学方法原则和技巧等相关教学因素的分析和探讨,针对目前高中听说教学中所存在的一些问题提出了自己的观点:即培养学生的听说能力,需要为学生创设一个既和谐舒适又有语言情境的环境。论证了有效的英语听说教学应该是:将英语课堂教师教学的重点从词汇、语法转向学生听说能力的发展,将重视考试结果向重视学生听说过程转变。这一结论也符合当前的英语教学改革。




This article analyzes English teaching approaches on listening and speaking in Chinese high schools, listed some existent problems in traditional English teaching approaches. Such as the results of teacher-centered teaching approaches, and vocabulary and grammar training’s teaching approaches, etc. These traditional teaching approaches fail to train students’ listening and speaking ability to some extent. According to National English Teaching Outline, Chinese high Schools students should have a certain listening and speaking abilities. So, it is important for English teacher to take some effective teaching approaches to achieve this goal in listening and speaking. Based on this, this article does some practical researches in English teaching approaches on listening and speaking of Chinese high schools, analyzes some teaching principles and teaching skills on listening and speaking of Chinese high schools, etc. Finally, the author join a conclusion that English teaching approach should be transferred from strengthen vocabulary and grammar training to listening and speaking training. It agrees with Chinese Education reform.

Key Words

Teaching approach; listening and speaking; teaching principle; teaching skill


Key Words…………………………………………………………………………………I
摘 要…..II
I. Internal and External Teaching Approach………………….2
II. The Teaching Condition in China……………….……..…….…………….………2
A. Existent Problems in English Teaching……………………………………………..3
B. Elements of Influence……………….…………………………………………..4
1. Traditional Teaching Approach………………..………………………….…..…4
2. Teaching Situation…..…………………………………………………….………5
III. Available Teaching Approach………..………..………………………….…………..5
A. Proper English Teaching Approach…………..…………………………………5
B. Good Arrangement of English Teaching……………….……………………………..6
C. Teaching Atmosphere…………………………………………7
D. Improvement of Students’ Interest …………………………………….…………7
E. Teaching Technique..………………..…………………………………………….8
1. Question-Answer.….………..…………………………………………………..8
2. Communication.………..….…………………………………………….………….9
3. Interview………………………..……………………….…………………………..9


In nowadays China, English teaching approaches on listening and speaking of high schools insist on teacher-centered teaching approaches emphasize on vocabulary and grammar training’s teaching approaches. These traditional English teaching approaches cause students lack of ability of listening and speaking. With the development of Chinese economy, more and more talents who can master English are urgently needed. In order to acclimatize ourselves to the economy development, we should take some effective English teaching approaches to train excellent students who can not only master vocabulary and grammar but also can use them to communicate frequently. This article analyzes existent problems in traditional English teaching approaches of Chinese high schools, the elements that affect English teaching, and discuss teaching principles and teaching skills, make a comparison between internal and external teaching approaches. The article gets a conclusion that it is better for English teaching approaches to be transferred from strengthen vocabulary and grammar training to listening and speaking training. It also agrees with Chinese Education reform. As a teacher, the author practiced it at Yu Men high school, Pan Zhihua city, and got some achievements.


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浅谈高中英语的听说教学方法 - Conclusion

From above,We know, if teacher wants to train students’ listening and speaking ability, it is better for them to not only change students’ learning attitude but also to change teacher’s teaching beliefs and approaches. Teacher should pay more attention to the teaching process instead of the teaching results. In present China, the traditional English teaching approaches are not so effective in training student’s listening and speaking ability to some extent. Admittedly, traditional English teaching approach has its positive effect, but it really fails to train students’ practical ability, and it no longer meets the present demands of English teaching, no longer meets the present demands of Chinese society, and no longer meets the demands of the development of Chinese economy. At present, high schools students should have the competence to communicate fluently. This is also the demand of Chinese Education Reform. Based on these, the two approaches to improve high school students’ listening and speaking ability of English are effective. The first approach is to create good class atmosphere to encourage students communicate freely. The second approach is to train the students’ good habit of using oral English constantly.

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