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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(19页5155字) 
摘 要 :长期以来,中国英语教学强调语言知识灌输而忽视了语言的应用,特别是对英语口语能力的培养。最近几年,在执行新的《中学英语课程标准》后,情况也未得到根本改变。原因是多方面的,主要有来自教育制度方面的原因、有来自教师方面的原因以及学生自身的原因。本文对这三个方面原因做探讨,并依据时代发展要求提出改进英语口语教学现状的办法。文中强调在教学活动中将以老师为中心转化为以学生为中心,以课本为主线使教学材料更加生活化,发展学生的英语综合应用能力。




For a long time, English teaching in China has stressed the “instillation” of language, but neglected the application of language, especially the development of the spoken language ability. In recent years, in spite of the implementation of the new secondary English curriculum standards, the situation has not fundamentally changed. There are many problems aroused from, namely, the educational system, the teachers and the students themselves. This article probes into the actuality of current oral English teaching, poses some ways to improve the spoken English teaching according to the demands of the development. The paper emphasizes the change of the teaching activities from the teacher-centered to student-centered, and the teaching scene will be expanded mainly from the classroom to daily life, to develop students’ English competence.

Key Words

Junior English; Spoken English; Ways


Key Words…………………………………………………………………..……I
I. Actuality of Current Oral English Teaching in Junior High School2
II. The Reasons of Poor Oral English .2
A. The Lack of the Environment to Speak English………………………2
B. The Lower Qualities of English Teachers……………………………..….….3
C. The Impact of Test-oriented Education…………………..……………….….3
Ⅲ. The Ways to Improve Oral English……………………………………………..4
A. Things Teachers can Do……….…………………….…………..……4
1. Developing Students’ Interests and Building up their Confidence.…4
2. Having Lessons in English Persistently…………………………..……….5
3. Using Various Teaching Methods………………………………………..5
4. Creating Language Environment…………………………………….….…6
5. Encouraging Students to Speak English Boldly.6
6. Mastering the Art of Correction…………………….….….….…7
7. Paying Attention to the Four Skills’ Infiltration…………………………7
B. Things Students can Do………………………………………………….8
1. Overcoming Psychological Obstacle………..……………..…………….8
2. Forming Correct Attitudes and Having Appropriate Learning Strategies…9
3. Fostering English Feeling by Listening and Speaking………………….…9
4. Accumulating Vocabulary by Extensive Reading……………………10
5. Self-practice…………………………….…………………………..….…10
6. Participating Activities Actively……………….………………….……10


At present, there is a general phenomenon among the English majors that their ability of verbal communication falls far behind their basic knowledge and theory level. That is to say, they lack practical English application. They can hardly use what they have learnt in real life. According to a recent survey, only 4 percent of students who major in English can speak and use English to communicate efficiently after graduation from colleges. This formation of phenomenon and trend are not transient, nor accidental, but long-term and inevitable, because we have been influenced by the test-oriented education and “instillation” teaching methods, which dates back to junior high school English teaching.
In China, students mainly study English formally and systematically at the junior high school. This stage is crucial to train students’ spoken English; it also has a significant impact on students’ later development.
Students’ ability in spoken English is mainly fostered in junior high school. First of all, students may easily overcome psychological barriers at early period. In the second place, a new concept may come into being – language is used to communicate and convey information. Thirdly, students’ elementary communicative skills are cultivated at this stage, and the learning lays a solid foundation for later study.
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初中生英语口语培养途径研究 - Conclusion

Nowadays, with the development and progress of society, more and more all-round talents are needed. In modern society knowledge is important, but ability is more important. The development of able people originates from education, so educational system and teaching model is very crucial.
A function of a language is to communicate and convey information. So English teaching should be centered on cultivating and developing language ability, communicative competence and competence for language use.
But oral English teaching has a short history in China. There exist many problems. Teachers and educational system should be responsible for the inefficiency of the teaching. To solve the problems, teachers first should convert their old ideas, study teaching methods. So there are some possible ways, namely, developing students’ interests and building up their confidence, having lessons in English persistently, using various teaching methods, creating language environment, encouraging students to speak English boldly, mastering the art of correction, paying attention to the four skills’ infiltration.
Teaching has two sides. One is the teacher, the other is the students. Perfect cooperation between the teacher and students enable students make great progress. So when students study English they can adopt the following ways to cooperate with teachers and thus to improve themselves: overcoming psychological obstacles, shaping a good study habit, forming correct attitudes and having appropriate learning strategies, fostering English feeling by reading and speaking much, accumulating vocabulary by extensive reading, self-practice, participating activities actively.
Both the teacher and the students are involved in the process of teaching and learning. To promote efficiency, the teacher and the students have to work together. In the modern time, the importance of spoken English is prominent and people have recognized this. It is necessary to learn spoken English well in the middle school.
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