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资料包括: 论文(19页5239字) 
摘 要:自20世纪60年代起,语言性别歧视已随着女性解放运动的展开而得到蓬勃发展。语言是社会现实的一种反映,因此由于历史发展、文化、社会价值及男女两性之间在生理等方面的差异而引起的性别歧视,尤其是社会对女性的性别歧视一览无余的体现在语言上,英语语言中也存在性别歧视。本篇论文阐述了性别歧视产生的原因是男女地位的不平等,在人类早期,男尊女卑的思想盛行,男子在社会经济、政治、文化领域以及人们的传统观念中,总是处于比女性优越的地位,人们在观念上形成的对妇女特有的歧视观念慢慢形成并反映在语言中。本文分析了性别歧视在英语中的四个方面的表现:在谚语中;在词汇中;在词语中和在词义中,通过大量的举例和分类来系统阐述。最后着重讨论了消除性别歧视语所应采取的一些策略,从语言策略和社会策略两方面入手,要消除性别歧视,关键在于根除社会上存在的性别歧视观念,进一步提高妇女的社会地位,语言的变革只能在社会变革的基础上才能实现。

关键词:性别歧视; 女性词; 男性词; 策略

Abstract :Sexism in English language has launched along with the vigorous development of women’s liberation movement since the end of 1960s. As a mirror reflecting the society, language images the social views and values. Sexism in society is thus inevitably reflected in the use of language.
The paper based on the analysis of sex discrimination in English explores that it is by no means an extinction of sexist language so long as the sexism in society exists. The causes of sexism in this thesis are the inequality between male and female. In ancient time, the thoughts that males host females and the treatment of women as inferiors to men are in vogue. Men are always at superior positions to women in the social economy, in the politics, as well as in the people’s traditional ideas, so the idea of sex discrimination has reflected in the language. The thesis summarizes the phenomena of sexism in English by using universal evidence, and they are shown and discussed in four aspects: English proverbs, English expressions, English vocabulary and the meanings of English words. Lastly, the thesis introduces two feasible strategies to erase sexism in English language, and they are: language reform and social reform. The most important one is to erase the sexist conceptions and improve women’s status, respect and support them. The language transformation can be realistic on the basis of the social reform.

Key Words

Sexism; female words; masculine words; strategies

Language is a social phenomenon, and it has a close relationship with the social life, the language is used in a specific social group and it is not only the carrier of the ideological content, but a mirror of social life, it reveals people’s traditional thoughts that sex discrimination against women in the society. From the development and changes of the language, people can conclude that sex discrimination does not only exist in China, but in all the countries. Therefore, how does English language reflect the social phenomenon?
The first person who did research on the gender and language is the Denmark linguist Otto.Jespersen, he regards English as the most masculine language that is familiar to him, and it is a man centered language. The domestic scholars and experts, Yang Yonglin, Bai Jiehong, and so on, have done thorough research about sexist element in the English language, they also have introduced some feasible strategies to erase the sexism, but they just have done thorough research from the language strategy aspect. In the thesis, the author does the research from the combination of the social reforms and language reforms, and it is essential to erase the sexism from people’s minds. English, as one of the most widespread languages, its sexist element shall not be suitable to the intercultural communications, but there is massive discrimination in it, people should pay much more attention to the sex equality and the improvement of women’s social positions. Understanding the sexist phenomenon in English language helps people study the language culture, and correctly treat the changes of the language in the historical development. The thesis emphatically introduces and analyzes the specific phenomena of sexism and also provides corresponding strategies that can be used to eliminate sexism in English language.
Key WordsI
Ⅰ.A Definition to Sexism in English Language2
Ⅱ. Sexism in English Language3
A. Sexism in English Proverbs3
1. Role Category3
2. Manner Category3
3. Marriage Category4
B. Sexism in English Expressions4
1. The Summary of Masculine Expressions on Two Genders4
2. Sex Orders in Expressions and Words5
3. The Changes of Female Words’ Meanings5
C. Sexism in English Vocabulary6
1. Sex discrimination and Job Titles6
2. Man and Woman6
D. Sexism in English Words’ Meanings7
Ⅲ.The Causes of Sexism in English Language8
A. The Causes of Social Status and Power8
B. The Effect of the Traditional Conceptions and Culture Consciousness8
Ⅳ.The Strategies of Eliminating or Avoiding Sexism in English9
A.Language Strategies9
1.Population of Neutral Words and Expression9
2.Avoiding of the Generation of Masculine Words He9
3.Ms. as an Alternative to Both Mrs. and Miss.10
B.Social Strategy10


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People not only s pay attention to the English language itself, but the sexism in it. It is inevitable to remove the sexist conceptions from people’s minds, and it is the general trend of current social development, the equal dialogue and culture exchange. The society consists of male and female. How will they apply their own languages to communication and what they hold in common will be the humanity’s eternal topics.
Language is a social phenomenon, and it develops along with the advancing of the society. The sexism in English cannot disappear if sex discrimination exists, if people only abolish the words accompanied with sex discrimination instead of changing people’s traditional minds, and then there will be new sexist words to come one day.
English language, which is regarded as one of the most widespread languages, is an important tool for intercultural communication. To some extent, those who are engaged in multinational communication are bound to understand the cultural background of English words and the meanings of them in different context correctly. As for the sexist words, people should be careful to use them, lest they will make some mistakes unconsciously during their communication or cause some unnecessary misunderstandings. With the developing of the women’s liberation movement and the improving of their social status, the sexism has desalinated a lot, its current trends are the appearance of the neutralized English words and the disappearance of sexist English language. The thesis analyzes the phenomena of sexism in English in three aspects: the specific phenomena, the causes, and the strategies of eliminating sexism in English language. The thesis aims at helping people erase the sexist phenomena and apply the standard language. The thesis plays an important role in English teaching, what’s more, it helps these English learners to get better understandings about English language.
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