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摘 要:语言在社会中所处的地位尤为重要。作为一种社会现象的语言,必然会反映出人类社会各种社会观念。性别歧视作为这其中的一种,是指把男性视作社会规范和中心,轻视,侮辱女性或使她们显得微不足道,而这一特定的社会现象必然会在语言中折射出来。
论文首先从阳性词泛指,词序,词义的贬降等方面对英语中的性别歧视现象进行了详细的分析。接着论文剖析了英语中性别歧视现象形成的根源。从本质来说,英语语言中的性别歧视是社会中性别歧视的体现。两者紧密相连。性别歧视的社会内涵反映的就是这种语言中的性别歧视现象与社会中的性别歧视的本质的关系。最后论文还着力探讨如何改变这种歧视。本文认为,改变英语语言中性别歧视现象要解决以下2个问题:(1)避免使用性别歧视词;(2) 避免阳性代词的泛指。语言中的性别歧视的最终消亡取决于社会变化,只有改变社会结构,即男女真正拥有平等的地位,语言中的平等才能真正实现。消除语言中的性别歧视的根本在于实现男女的平等的社会变革。



Language plays an important role in society. As a phenomenon of society, language reflects all the sides of human society naturally. Sexism is a phenomenon that takes a male-as-norm attitude, trivializing, insulting or rendering women invisible. As a special social phenomenon, sexism is inevitably reflected through language.
To start with, the thesis analyses sexism in terms of the generic masculine words, word order and semantic derogation of women in greater detail. Then the thesis traces the reasons for the occurrence of sexism in the English language. In nature, sexism in language reflects sexism in society. The two are closely related. Social connotations of sexism in English tell the relationship between phenomenon of sexism in language and essence of sexism in society. Finally, a large part of the thesis is contributed to how to change sexism in English. The thesis thinks that the key to the problem is: (1) to use nonsexist words instead of sexist words; (2) to solve the problem of generic masculine pronouns. The elimination of linguistic sexism lies in social change. Only by changing the social structure, that is, women and men own really equal status, can language equality be truly achieved.

Key Words

sexism; phenomenon; reasons; elimination

Language is a mirror reflecting various kinds of phenomena such as beauty or ugliness, goodness or badness in the real world. The English countries which always claim that all man is born equal also have a lot of inequalities. The inequality between men and the women is the one. And this inequality is also reflected in the mirror of language. Sexism in English languages has existed for a long time, which is reflection of the traditional ethics that men are superior to women. However, women are keener than men on social status. British linguist Peter said : “female’s social status is no less firm as male’s and usually lower than that of male’s in our society. Therefore, to women, it may be more necessary to show or guard their social status in language and in other aspects.” With progress of times and improvement of society, more and more women realize that they can also create the same working value as men. With the raise of women’s liberation, and broad spread of mass media, the whole English worlds start a social revolution to eliminate the sexism in the English language. At the beginning of 70s of the previous century, the woman’s right rise in the west, the English worlds start a literal revolution movement to eliminate the sexism, which is more fervent in American. The feminists claimed the equality of men and women. Firstly they start to ask to eliminate the sexism lying in the English language. They fight heavily to change the phenomena of sexism in the English language.
Key Words…………………………………………….……I
摘 要Ⅱ
I. Phenomena of Sexism in the English Language…..2
A. Male-as-norm Attitude…………………………………………………….2
1. Generic Pronouns…………………………………………………………..2
2. Female as Male’s Appendix…….………………………………………….2
3. Woman as Exception………….……………….………………………..….3
B. Semantic Degradation of Woman………………..………………….……….4
C. Word Order…………………………………………………………………..5
D. Sexism in Social Life………………………………………………………..5
E. Sexism in Proverbs and Idioms..6
II. Reasons of Sexism in the English Language.7
A. “Patriarchy” Cultural Stereotype…………………………………………….7
B. Double Criterion of Discourse Hegemony…………………………………..8
C. “Sex Role” in Community ……………………………………………….10
D. Results of Theory of Social Identity………………………………………..11
E. Traditional Ethics that the Man is Superior to the Woman…………………11
III. Elimination of Sexism in the English Language……………………………….12
A. Transformation-Sexist Words Transformed Into Nonsexist Words…….12
B. Countermeasures to Sexism Caused by the Third Person Pronoun’s General Reference..…………………………………………………………………..14

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The sexism in language is a very important new question for discussion, which has been attached importance by a lot of countries in the world. When we carry though the research, besides combining with social and psychological factors, we have to adopt the statistics of sociology to make the research established on the scientific statistics and to get rid of the reliance on sensible experiences. The establishment of new pattern language database and the adoption of computer in language will greatly promote the research.
With the high-speed development of society and scientific technology, our research on sexism in the English language will come to a new stage. The sexism in English language on the whole is a social problem, which is the thought of human beings in their minds discriminating female and reflecting it in language. As we all know language is relatively steady, if we want to eliminate the sexism in the English language, firstly we must eradicate the concept of sexism existing in society to make people realize the point and make the real equality of male and female and give the female the equal recognition and respect. Though the changes in social concept to make the changes in language naturally, finally realize that whether in society or language, sexism is just a history of past. In this paper I greatly agrees with a passage of saying of Rosalie Maggio: “It is also necessary to acknowledge that there can be no solutions to the problems of sexism in society on the level of language alone .Using the word ‘secretary’ inclusively, for example does not change the fact that only 1.6%of American secretaries are men .Using director instead of directress does not mean a woman will necessarily enjoy the same opportunities today a man might.”(Maggio, 1989)
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