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资料包括: 论文(19页4429字) 

摘 要:随着英语的普遍使用,中国也在大力发展英语教育事业。提高学生的英语水平也成为学校教育的一个重要内容。影响学生英语学习的因素有很多,除了学生自己的努力,家长的督促教导,教师的教学方法等因素之外,教师的态度也是至关重要的。正如俗语所说:态度决定一切。教师以什么样的态度对待工作,决定着工作的成败,以什么样的态度对待学生,决定着学生能否健康成长。


With the widespread use of English, China makes great effort to improve English education. It becomes an important matter to enhance students’ English abilities. There are a lot of factors that affect students’ English learning. Besides students’ own endeavor, parents’ guidance, teaching approach methods, teachers’ attitudes are also very important. As the proverb goes: attitude is everything! What attitude teachers adopt to the students, is affecting students’ success, and what attitude they treat their work, is deciding success or failure of their work
This thesis researches: the influence of teachers’ attitudes on students’ English learning in junior schools. The thesis talks about the meaning of attitude, English teachers’ different attitudes, the most important is English teachers’ unsuitable attitudes and the reasons, then proposes the appropriate attitudes that teachers should have.
The purpose of the thesis is that teachers should establish a good relationship with students and enhance the quality of English teaching.

Key Words

Attitude; positive; negative; students


This paper aims to analyze teachers’ different attitudes to treat their students. Either positive or negative attitude will make great affection on middle schools students’ English learning.
With the global economic integration, it’s more obvious that foreign languages have great affection upon all the aspects of human life. Therefore it’s the essential demand for the civilian competence to have a good command of a foreign language in the new century.
Secondly, English education has a long history in China. Most of us have learned English since we were in primary school. With the opening of China, English teaching has been getting more and more attention. Especially since China joined the World Trade Organization and Beijing won the bid to hold the 2008 Olympic Games. Now English occupies the attention of millions of Chinese people.
English teaching is a popular topic in our country. Many experts have done massive research on the students’ English learning in middle schools. So, how to bring student''s enthusiasm into full play and enhance their English accomplishments? Experts point out that in teaching method aspects: There were “the happy teaching method”, “the direct method”, “the cognitive approach”, “the oral approach” , “the grammar—translation method ”and so on; some experts proposed English initiation is important especially, therefore our country pay more attention to the baby English education; some experts proposed that they must enhance the quality and abilities of teachers ; and some experts said, the teachers should treat their students equally just like treating their own children.
But there are still some problems in English teaching. Such as: many students even the college students can not express themselves smoothly and understand others clearly in an English-only environment. The lack of qualified English teachers is another important problem. A qualified English teacher should take special training courses and have enough knowledge of English. However, in many middle schools, teachers who don’t have qualification of English teaching are still giving classes to their students. They even teach their strong accent to the students.
These problems make great affection on students’ English learning, but besides these, teachers’ attitudes are important too. Especially in junior schools, English teachers do not respect students, they make a favorite of the students who are good at English learning, and their attitudes aren’t equal. This thesis is based on the teachers’ attitudes.

Key Words..Ⅰ
Ⅰ. Attitude and Teachers’ Attitudes……………………………………………3
A. The Importance of School Environment………………………………………3
B. Factors Affecting Teachers’ Attitudes………………………………………….4
C. The Different Attitudes of Teachers……………………………………………4
Ⅱ. Influence of Teachers’ Attitudes to Students…………………………………5
A. Teachers'' Unfavorable Attitudes Toward Students……………………………..5
B. Four Types of Students Dispositions…………………………………….……..6
C. Different Results of Teachers’ Different Attitudes……………………………6
Ⅲ. Teachers’ Appropriate Attitudes……………………………….………………8
A. A Good Relationship with Students…………………………………….……9
B. Suitable Praise and Encouragement……………………………………………10
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Students are sensitive observers of teachers’ attitudes and behavior, and teachers maybe unaware. This thesis mainly deals with the different attitudes of English teachers to the students in junior schools and the influence for the students. There are many English teachers can not be able to treat students equally without discrimination. Of course, many factors can influence teachers’ attitudes and teachers are usually like those who are like them, but as teachers and as the people who students trust, in order to enhance students’ English abilities and quality of English teaching, teachers should love every student, to understand every student and accept every student for both their strong points and shortcomings. In order to create a wonderful atmosphere for the students to learn English, teachers should know how to expect their students, how to praise them and how to encourage them.
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