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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(21页5382字) 
摘 要:随着全球经济一体化发展,我国经济迅速增长.深圳市的私营企业保持着良好的发展势头。但是与此同时,也出现了一些不可忽视的问题。本论文主要探讨了深圳市私营企业外贸发展中存在的问题和对策.。论文主要包含三个方面的内容:第一是深圳市私营企业存在的主要问题;第二是分析问题的原因; 第三重点提出了解决问题的措施, 其中提出了各级政府应采取的一系列措施,和私营企业应该不断完善它们对专门外贸人才的招聘和管理制度。本论文旨在提出深圳市私营企业对外贸易事业发展中存在的问题,并找出解决问题的办法。



With the development of global economy, the economy of China is growing rapidly. In the meantime, the development of Shenzhen private enterprises has kept a favorable condition and the foreign trade of Shenzhen private enterprises is developing prosperously, but some inevitable problems are coming out. This paper mainly contains three major parts: the problems of foreign trade of private enterprises; the analysis of the causes to the problems and the countermeasures to the problems. In the countermeasures are discussed two main points: Market access and perfection of the recruitment and management of the specialized foreign trade talents. The paper aims at pointing out some problems and finding out the countermeasures of the development of foreign trade of Shenzhen private enterprises.

Key Words

Private Enterprises; Foreign Trade; Problems; Countermeasures


With the development of global economy, the economy of China is growing rapidly, and it is also experiencing a historic transformation. In 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization, and by and by the world market came to us directly. Under such condition, the foreign trade of private enterprises of China is developing prosperously, and the private enterprises are participating in the international cooperation and competition actively. During the first half of 2006, the export values of Shenzhen private enterprises have exceeded the state-owned enterprises of the area for the first time. The export and import volume of Shenzhen showed a trend of rapid growth, and the total import and export volume has taken the first place among big cities of China. In recent years, the trade in Shenzhen has transformed from rapid growth to stable growth. Generally speaking, the trade economy of Shenzhen has kept a “fast and excellent” development.
In recent years, people have paid much attention to the development of private enterprises. There are many materials in the book or on the internet. The writer of this paper has read several books such as Transnational Business of Private Economy, and the experts and researchers have summarized clearly about the recent situation, problems and developing prospect. Generally speaking, the recent situation of China’s private enterprises and developing prospect are good. But the problems from the government and internal enterprises are also serious. Through a three-month practice in Shenzhen, the author found that most small and medium-sized enterprises cannot enter into the international market. There are many obstacles for them to enter the foreign trade market. Market Access has limited their behaviors and has become a serious problem for private enterprises. When the author was practicing in the company, she found its management of foreign trade talents was a weak link. Especially in the small and medium-sized enterprises, few workers had academic background. The author was the only one who knew English and majored in business
English, but she did not have any experience. The other staff have experience but just a few of them can speak simple English. So how can these private enterprises join in foreign trade? This attracts the author, so she decides to do some research on the topic.
In this paper, the author will discuss the topic in three parts. First, the author gives a brief introduction of foreign trade of Shenzhen private enterprises. It contains the background, present situation and the problems of Market Access and recruiting and managing specialized foreign trade workers. Second, the author analyzes the causes of the problems. On one hand, the government has made obstacles (Market Access); on the other hand, the private enterprises have an internal problem of recruitment of specialized foreign trade talents. At last, the author points out the countermeasures from two aspects to solve the problems: One is a reform about Market Access System from the government; the other is about the recruitment of specialized foreign trade talents of Shenzhen private enterprises

Key wordsI
Ⅰ. A Brief Introduction of Foreign Trade of Shenzhen Private Enterprises3
A. The Background3
B. The Present Situation3
C.The Problems4
Ⅱ. Causes for the Problems4
A. The Obstacles Made by the Governments5
B. The Problems of Specialized Foreign Trade Talents6
1. The Shortage of Specialized Talents7
2. The Professional Ethics Ignored in Foreign Trade Talents Recruitment8
Ⅲ. Countermeasures to the Problems9
A. The Countermeasures Taken by the Governments9
B. The Countermeasures of Specialized Talents11
1. The Recruitment of Specialized Talents11
2. The Recruitment of Experienced Talents12
3. The Recruitment of High Professional Ethics Talents12
Hinkelman,E.G. Longman Dictionary of Interntional Trade[C]. Beijing. China Renmin University Publishing House,2000.
Zhao Shuming, Peter J. Dowling, Denice E. Welch. Human Resource Management of Multinational Corporation[M]. Beijing. China Renmin University Publishing House,2001.
何伟雄.深圳外贸发展与改革中的若干问题[J].国际贸易论坛.1992. (6).70-71.

This paper has discussed the problems and countermeasures of foreign trade of Shenzhen private enterprises. It focuses on the problems of Market Access System of government and recruitment of specialized talents.
In order to promote the development of foreign trade of Shenzhen private enterprises, the governments of different levels have taken countermeasures to widen the market access restriction, and Shenzhen private enterprises should perfect the recruitment management of specialized foreign trade workers. Generally speaking, the prospect of foreign trade of private enterprises is good. With the prosperity and development of Shenzhen private enterprises, the local government pays more attention to the problems.
In order to sustain the fierce international competition, the government is trying its best to solve the problems. But the government should also keep balance between private enterprises in China and foreign funded enterprises. The government needs to establish a further reform for Shenzhen private enterprises. A sound competition system, the financial services and legal systems must be set up. In other areas such as Zhejiang and Fujian, the government has also brought some favorable policies to the private enterprises. Meanwhile, the employers of Shenzhen private enterprises should optimize the inside management and pay more attention to the staff’s elevation. They should discard outdated thinking, implement the principle of fair competition, recruit and train qualified personnel actively. Otherwise, the employers should optimize internal management of private enterprises. This is the only way to raise the overall competition power. With the help of the government, the private enterprises in Shenzhen will improve the internal structure and enhance the management, and they will have a long-term development
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