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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(22页5717字) 

摘 要:人类进行交流,表达思想,传递信息,主要依靠语言手段,但是,人类传递信息还有一种更有古老和更方便的形式,即非语言交流手段。人们在传递信息,交流思想感情时,如仅使用文字或言语,有时不够生动形象,因而这时就需要非语言交际。人们利用身体各部分来传递信息,交流思想。它包括手势,姿态,面部表情,交谈者之间的距离,谈话者选择衣着打扮的方法所传递的信息等等。肢体语言是随文化的改变而改变,因而不同国家的身势语所表达的意思不一定都相同,所以,在跨文化交际中,要清楚地认识非语言交际与文化之间的关系。在本文中,作者分析,某些类型的肢体语言,例如交流距离的出现, 身体接触, 眼神接触,微笑和大笑等等; 然后探索运用肢体语言,如问候,表达感情, 身体接触等等; 最后作者就中,美两国的肢体语言的异同进行比较研究.

关键词:跨文化; 非语言交际; 肢体语言; 文化差异


People usually rely on languages to communicate, to express their thought or to transmit the information. But there exists another means to convey the information during human’s communication, that’s non-verbal communication, which is an ancient and convenient form. It is necessary to employ non-verbal communication to express vividly during information transmission and thought and feeling exchanging. People usually use different parts of the body to convey the message and exchange their ideas. This is so called non-verbal communication, which includes gestures, posture, facial expression, distance between speakers, clothes of communicators and so on. Body language differs from culture to culture, therefore body language in different countries means differently. So it is necessary to understand the relationship between non-verbal communication and culture clearly in the cross-cultural communication. In this paper, the writer analyzes certain types of body language, such as distance communications occurs, physical contact, eye contact, smile and laughter and so on; and then explore application of body language, such as greetings, signs of affection, physical contact and so forth; finally the writer makes a comparative study between Chinese and American body language.

Key Words

cross-culture; non-verbal communication; body language; culture differences

With the rapid development of modern science and economy, globalization has become a major trend in the world today. Everyone’s necessity depends on the entire world. People from different cultures have urgent needs to exchange and communicate with one another, and mutual understanding and communication from different cultures and regions help to open self, to open society and to realize the people’s need. Hence cross-cultural communication will become a very common social activity. However, generally speaking, differences cultures bring great difficulties to mutual understanding and smoking the calumet together among the people from different cultures, and sometimes they will result in unnecessary losses. Therefore, people from different cultures usually feel strange although they are standing shoulder by shoulder. That is what we call the cross-cultural communication barriers. These barriers of course include the barriers in language. A same time we know sign language code system is only part of the culture, and non-verbal behavior (Samovar, 1981) plays an important role in cross-cultural communication. Non-verbal communication is most likely caused some misunderstanding and conflict. So during cross-culture commission about non-verbal behavior in cross-culture commission are paid more and more attention to. In fact, when people communicate with others, it is not only by means of language, but also by non-verbal behavior.(Bi, 1999)

Key Words…………………………………………………………………………I
摘要……………………………….…………………………………..… II
I. The Necessity of Studing Body Language……………………….…..…………2
II. The Importance of Body Language……….………………………………………2
III. The Types and Application of the Body Language……………………………3
A.Types of Body Language……………………………………………………. 3
1.Distance Communication………………………………………………….3
2.Physical Contact……………………………………………………………..4
3.Eye Contact………………………………………………………………….5
4.Smile and Laughter………………………………………………………….8
B.Application of the Body Language…………………………………………..…9
2.Signs of Affection………………………………………………………… 11
3.Physical Contact………………………………………………………….12
Ⅳ.A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Body Language…………..….13
Fast, Julius. Body Language Pocket Books. N.Y. 1971.
Hall, Edward T. The Silent Language. New York: Fawcett Publications, 1959.
Samova.L.et.al. Communication between Cultures. Wad Sworth, 1991.
Wright,A. How to Communicate Successfully. Cambridge university press, 1987.
< http://www.ddcbxj.com/Article/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=401>.2005-8-30
邓炎昌,刘润清. 语言与文化[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1989.
[15] 朱迪•法思特.人体语言[M].上海:上海文化出版社,1988.
[16] 赵艳萍. 文化与交际[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,1999.

In cross-cultural communication, we must clearly understand non-verbal communication and the relationship between cultures. Culture and the vast majority of non-verbal communication are handed down from generation to generation and acquired acquisition, and the long historical and cultural heritage of a society form a common habit. The relationship between the two, Samovar thought, culture and non-verbal communication are inseparable, many non-verbal behavior is the result of cultural acquisition; people''s nonverbal behavior and the effects are usually formed by a cultural environment. Therefore, understanding non-verbal communication and the relationship between cultures is essential.
In short, body language, like our verbal language, is also a part of our culture and an important media in communicating with each other. Non-verbal behavior can be used to emphasize, repeat, replace and add language information, and speech act together with non-verbal behavior shows the significance of the same message, and also may have conflict. No matter under what circumstance, people are always delighted to receive non-verbal information when the conflicts with speech act and non-verbal language. Because people believe that it is more natural, more instinctive, it is more difficult to camouflage between speech act and non-verbal. They should “do as the Romans do.”
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