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摘 要:弗洛伊德在其精神分析学说中根据古希腊罗马神话俄狄浦斯王子杀父娶母而提出“俄狄浦斯”亦称“恋母情结”这个概念,认为三岁至五岁的男孩会自然而然地恋母嫉父,并在潜意识中存着杀父娶母的欲望;不能顺利度过这一阶段的男孩成年之后往往难以确立正常的恋爱或夫妻关系。本文旨在细述对恋母情结的来源和对恋母情结的理解后,指出20世纪英国作家劳伦斯及其作品,尤其是《儿子与情人》,便是“恋母情结”的有力佐证,并从劳伦斯的生平和这部作品中找出事实与证据,结合中国传统家庭文化中某些特殊的母子关系、婆媳的纷争与矛盾关系中揭示了恋母情结的现象和本质。本论文先是通过对恋母情结的理解和分析并阐述了国内外对恋母情结的研究状况;然后从作者劳伦斯生平事迹找出其身上恋母证据;最后分析作品《儿子与情人》,通过描述作品中由恋母情结所引发的战争,主人公莫瑞尔夫人和儿子保罗之间的心理依赖和畸恋,作品主人公的矛盾心理及主人公的悲剧来揭示恋母情结对人身心的伤害。


In his theory of psychoanalysis, Freud introduced the term “Oedipus complex” also called “Mother fixation” according to the Ancient Greece and Rome mythology in which Oedipus who killed his father and married his mother to designate a boy’s strong love for and attachment to his mother and consequent jealousy and hatred towards his father. Unconsciously the boy may even nourish a desire to kill his father and marry his mother. This is a crucial stage in the normal psycho-sexual developmental process, and those who fail to pass the stage will be unable to establish a normal man-woman relationship when they grow up. After introducing the origin and understanding of Mother Fixation, the thesis points out that D. H. Lawrence, together with his works, especially Sons and Lovers, is a specific evidence of the Oedipus complex. In the traditional Chinese family culture,combining with some of the special relationship of the sons and mothers and the conflicts between the mothers and daughters-in-law they reveals the phenomenon and essence of Mother Fixation. The thesis firstly explains the understanding and analyzes the study status of Mother Fixation at home and abroad. Secondly, it gets evidence of Mother Fixation from the lifetime of Lawrence. Finally, it analyzes the work sons and loves. With the depiction of wars between the dramatis personas Mrs. Morel and the lovers of her son Paul, psychological dependence and the abnormal love of the mother and son, the ambivalence and the tragedy of the dramatis personas, it reveals to us that how Mother Fixation injure the body and soul of people.

Key Words

Mother Fixation; psychological dependence; specific evidence; abnormal love


Mother Fixation was a sensitive subject in the literature world that research about it was not much; Freud was also lack of specific evidence for it that was posed by him. In the 20th century, the work sons and lovers aroused a great sensation in the literature world that people put their attention to Mother Fixation. Most people believed that it was a strong evidence for Freud’s theory-Mother Fixation.
In the work sons and lovers, Mrs. Gertrude morel, the mother, was a woman of strong character and refinement. Her husband was a miner who drank heavily and he was irresponsible which often led to terrible quarrels in the family. Paul Morel grew up in such a miserable setting. The mother lavished her love on him and determined to save him from the shadow of the coal mine. But when he was in love with Miriam, Mrs. Morel was afraid that she might lose him so she did her best to come between them. Finally, the two lovers had to divorce from each other. A second attachment, to Clara, gradually fizzled out, too clearly, both failures were caused by the possessive mother, it was not only until the mother died that the son began to find for his true love earnestly. It is one of the greatest autobiographical novels of the last century and it is loved far and wide in the world.
Although Lawrence denied this, his family background was so like the dramatic persona Paul’s. He was in love with the wife of a professor; the woman of three children was 6 years older than Lawrence made up for the loss of his mother. From Lawrence and his work Sons and Lovers we should learn something about it.

Key Words……………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
Ⅰ.The Understanding of Mother Fixation……………………………………………2
A. The Origin of Mother Fixation…………………………………………………2
B. Analysis of Mother Fixation……………………………………………………2
C. Foreign Studies of Mother Fixation……………………………………………3
D. Domestic Studies of Mother Fixation…………………………………………4
A. The Experience of D.H.Lawrence……………………………………………4
B. The Witness of Mother Fixation………………………………………………5
Ⅲ.Sons and Lovers………………………………………………………………6
A. Main Contents of Sons and Lovers……………………………………………6
B. Mother Fixation……………………………………………………………7
1. Wars between Mrs. Morel and the Lovers of Her Son……………………7
2. Abnormal Love……………………………………………………………9
3. Conflicts of the Dramatic Personas………………………………………11
4. Tragedies of the Dramatic Personas……………………………………12
Bernard Knox. Oedipus the King. Pocket Press, 1994.
Fan Cunzhong. History of English Literature [M]. Sichuan People’s Press,1983.
A Modern Chinese-English Dictionary. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2003.
Guo Qunying. British Literature [M]. Foreign Language Teaching and Education Press,2001.
Wang Shouren. Selected Readings in British Literature [M]. Higher Education Press,2001.
Brenda Maddox.有妇之夫—劳伦斯的生活[M].海邹伦,李传家,蔡曙光译.中央编译出版社,1999.
D.H.Lawrence. Sons and Lovers.贺广贤注释,西安:世界图书出版西安公司,2005.
弗洛伊德.图腾与禁忌.文[M].良文化 译,中央编译出版社,2005.
弗洛伊德.精神分析引论[M].高觉敷 译,商务印书馆,1984.
基思•萨嘉.被禁止的作家--D.H.劳伦斯传[M].王增澄 译,辽宁教育出版社,1998.
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[15] 吴伟仁.英国文学史及选读[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1998.
[16] 王佐良,祝玉,李品伟欧洲文化入门[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004.

Although Mother Fixation was a sensitive subject in the literature world that people seldom refer to. It exists in the society as a common phenomenon that it has distorted the soul of mothers and sons, even damaged the family, which also obeys the ethics of human being. As to the author of Sons and Lovers, D.H.lawrence, Mother Fixation made him so blind that he did not take care of the moral principles and did not know that he had come to the woman’s family and left it broken. The novel Sons and Lovers also ended with a tragedy with the death of being mentally and physically exhausted of Mrs. Moreland the failure of Paul’s love.
In our daily life, Mother Fixation is a common phenomenon, even if many people do not want to mention it or they do not accept the definition of Mother Fixation. The son who has Mother Fixation is lack of his own thoughts and enterprising spirit because he believes that his mother is his sanctuary and sunshine that never declines. Even when he gets married, his mother is the only person he can rely on not other person. So when there is conflict in his mother and wife he will stand with his mother, go against his wife. As to the mother who has Mother Fixation lavishes her lover upon her son, she controls his behavior and thoughts that she wishes that her son will never go against her. The son is her everything that she is afraid of losing him. As in China, most of the family conflict cause between the mothers and the daughters-in-law. One of the most important reasons is to fight for the domination of the husbands or sons. Once the daughters-in-law come to the family, the mothers will have a sense of tension that the daughters-in-law will take their place to love or control their sons that they are losing their sons. Gradually, the mothers will do something difficult for the daughters-in-law and say something to slander them before their sons, and then the family conflict arouses and the tragedy appears. In order to create a happy life and a harmonious society, we should pay our attention to Mother Fixation and deal with it well because Mother Fixation is a kind of abnormal human beings’ love and we should pursue normal love.
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