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摘 要:随着现代社会的飞速发展和科学技术的日新月异,现代英语词汇中涌现出了大量的新词。这些新词并非随意构成,而是遵循了一定的构词规则,即英语词汇构词法。



With the development of society and the technical advancement, there are a great many neologisms emerging in the English vocabulary. They are not created freely; they follow some rules, the processes of word –formation.
Without the introduction and conclusion, this article includes three sections, which form the main body of this essay. They define the sources of English neologisms, word-formation processes, and the general trend of English neologisms respectively.
The purposes of this article are to study the practical value of English neologisms, stimulate English learners’ interest, and help them enlarge their vocabulary effectively. Besides, it will help them overcome the obstacle in their English learning and reading caused by the neologisms.

Key Words
Neologisms, sources, word-formation processes, trend

As a famous American translation theorist Eugene A. Nada (1982) said, “One of the most important characters in English is which could be easily changed.” Exactly, with the development of society and technology advancement, English neologisms are created one after another. According to the counting of the Barnhart Dictionary Companion Magazine, 1500-1600 new words are entering their computer database each year. Modern English has a vocabulary of 500,000 words, and 2/3 of them are created during the latest 300 years(Wang Rongpei,1997)When we read the English newspapers (such as Netizen) and magazines (such asYetties) or listen to the English broadcast (Watergate), how frequently we encounter neologisms and we have to acknowledge the fact that we can not always depend on the dictionaries, so it is very important for English learners to study neologisms.
According to the Oxford Dictionary of New Words (Elizabeth Knowles with Julia Elliott, 1998), neologisms refer to the new words and expressions used in the given period. In the English linguistic system, the changing of phonetics and grammar is relatively slow; both of them possess the stability to a certain degree. But the vocabulary is the most sensitive and loose part in the system, the two features offer the great possibility for creating new words. However, English neologisms are not produced freely; most of them are subject to some rules as well as the word-formation processes.
In order to have a better understanding of English neologisms, in this article three aspects will be chosen to discuss and analyze the new words. They are: the sources of English neologisms; word-formation processes; and the general trend of English neologisms.

Key WordsⅠ
Ⅰ.The Sources for English Neologisms2
A. Political Aspect2
B. Economy Aspect..3
C. Science and Technology Aspect. 3
D. Other Aspects.4
1. Society and People Aspect . 4
2. Sports and Entertainment Aspect. 4
Ⅱ. The Processes of Word-formation.5
A. Borrowing ..5
B. Native Word-formation Processes..7
1. Basic Concept of Word-formation7
1.1 Morphemes..7
1.2 Types of Morphemes..7
2. Word-formation Processes……………………………………………….8
2.1 Major processes …………………….…………………………………8
2.2 Minor processes………………………………………………….…10
C. Semantic Changes…………………………………………………………..…15
1. Extension of Meaning…………………………….……………………15
2. Narrowing of Meaning…………………………………………………16
3. Elevation of Meaning………………………………….………………..16
4. Degradation of Meaning………………………………………………..17
Ⅲ. General Trend of English Neologisms……….………………………………17

Adams, Valerie. An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation. Harlow, Essex. UK: Longman Group Ltd., 1973.
Baucer, Laurie. English Word-Formation. Lordon: Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Crystal, David. Linguistic Harmondsworth. Pengguin Books Ltd, 1985.
Holley, Shawn. The New Word Revolution. Beijing: Qinghua University Press, 2000.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Harlow and London: Longman Group Ltd., 1978.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (Sixth Edition). Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000.
林承璋,刘世平:英语词汇学引论[M]. 武汉:武汉大学出版社,2005年.
刘卫红:英语新词发展的原因与途径[J]. 中山大学学报,2000年6月2期.
汪榕培:英语词汇学研究[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000年.
汪榕培:英语词汇调查[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997年.
汪榕培:实用英语词汇学教程[M]. 沈阳:辽宁人民出版社,1984年.
吴刚:英语新词溯源及展望[J]. 广西教育学院学报,2006年12月.
吴念:英语新词与科技进步[J]. 重庆大学学报,1998年1期.
徐玉娟:现代英语新词漫谈[J]. 江苏:江苏外语教学研究,2001年1期.
[15] 杨映春:英语新词探讨[J]. 四川职业技术学院学报,2005年5月.

The emerging of English neologisms is influenced by many factors, but the most important aspect comes from the development of science and technology. Observations show that a vast number of English neologisms are related to this field, in which the newly-coined computer words are the most noteworthy thing.
The appearing of a great many English neologisms is not free. Most of them are subject to one of the ways, such as borrowing, word-formation processes, or semantic change and so on.
With the increase of international cultural exchanges, English words borrowed from other languages will have a profound development.
The number of compounds surpasses all the other types by a large scale. The reason might be that the inherited vocabulary is very limited compared with the unlimited complexity of things and the new ideas we have to discuss. When new things and concepts appear, people are faced with the urgency of naming, and the new forms are difficult to create, the better way seems to be making compounds in which old words are combined to express new concepts.
Derivation and conversion are traditional word formation ways and very convenient to be used for forming neologisms when new need arises. However, they are not enough to satisfy people’s strong desire for novelty, and therefore not so attention-catching as some of the other types, such as clipping and blending.
The trend for shortening (clipping) is particularly noteworthy in present-day English development. Acronyms have only a short history of popularity from the Second World War, but they have shown great vitality in the age of rapid technical advancement. Blending is an important way to word-formation nowadays. In the past we had very few blending words, and most of them are coined only for the fun of it. The flourish of blends (esp. in serious) shows that the English vocabulary, or the English language is developing with an informal style.
It can well be said that words formed by analogy is the most nature way of creating new words. It seems that words just come to our mind rather than we try to coin them. An interesting recent example is mouse potato, or web potato modeled on couch potato. It can be seen that words produced in this way are vivid evidence of social and cultural changes.
Semantic change is a productive way of word formation. It just gives the old words with new meanings, not necessary to create new forms. Therefore, it is commonly used.
Through a comprehensive word-formation analysis, we know that the English neologisms are formed according to some rules. Even for the unusual words, some laws can also be traced.
The significance of studying English neologisms mainly lies in four aspects. First of all, neologism is a mirror of society, which reflects its development and needs, it meets the developing situation. Second, with the increase of international culture exchanges, more and more English words have borrowed from other languages; English learners will have a better understanding of other countries’ cultures by the research. Third, the study of English neologisms can be used in translation effectively. For example, fengshui, makjong are words coming from China; one couldn’t translate the meaning if he doesn’t know these new words. So, learning English neologisms helps one do the translation works correctly. Finally, it is also very important for English learners to study English neologisms. through the study of word-formation, we are able to recognize a complex word as a unit made up of organic parts and know how different parts are put together to form new words. Besides, English vocabularies changes along with society''s development, and we must study English neologisms to catch up with the times in order to improve our English abilities
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