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资料包括: 论文(21页6151字) 
摘 要:随着社会发展与进步,妇女在现代社会各个领域中起着越来越重要的作用,妇女在很多方面的地位也得到提高。但是,封建观念根深蒂固,妇女仍然受到来自各个领域的不公平待遇,所以妇女要敢于与封建偏见做斗争,要积极通过改变自我来提高自身的地位。


With the development of the society, women are playing more and more important roles in various aspects of the modern society, and their statuses are also enhanced. However, traditional ideologies are deeply rooted; women are still treated unfairly, and they have to fight against traditional prejudice and self-cultivation to their status’s enhancement.

Key Words

Women’s status; pride and prejudice; feudal ideology;Pride and Prejudice


Today, people are more and more caring about women’s status. Women are not a separated individual, but deeply tie to the society, and they play very important roles in every aspects of the modern society. So women’s status not only connects to women themselves, but also the society’s development. Therefore, both women and the government should try their efforts to enhance women’s status and advance the equal right of men and women.
As everyone knows, Pride and Prejudice,a well-known novel written by Jane Austen, marriage is central topic of the novel. According to the appearance of the novel, as for Austen’s characters, marriage does not mean the act of ungoverned passion but a complex engagement between the marrying couple and society. In the novel, Austen portrays the women’s low status and the reasons of women’s low status. But women in the novel didn’t try to strive for their right, they thought little of their low status, and had little self-awareness, just negotiated to the society.
As for our Chinese women, they have been experiencing over 3000 years’ traditional ideology. And even in the modern society, they also suffer kinds of discriminations from the society and men. They are usually thought of humbler than men, and always be excluded out of the society.

Key Words………………………………………………………………………..Ⅰ
Ⅰ.A General Summary of the Women’s Status in Pride and Prejudice………….2
A. A Brief Introduction to the Story……………………………………………..2
B. Women’s Status Shown in the Novel………………………………………..3
C. Other Aspects Connecting with Women’s Status…………………………..4
Ⅱ. Reasons for the Women’s Low Status at That Time………………………………4
A. Traditional Feudal Notions……………………………………………………4
B. Women’s Surrender to Social Prejudice………………………………………6
Ⅲ. Enlightenment from women’s status in Pride and Prejudice……………………..7
A. Social Reform as the Precondition of Women’s Emancipation…………9
B. Women’s Fighting Against Feudal Ideology and Self-Cultivation……….11
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Women’s status has been being a hot topic, and people are more and more care about it. Although with the development of the society and economy, women’s status has been enhanced, women still suffer unfair treatment from the society and individuals. They enjoy less opportunities and privilege than men. Through the discussing the reasons of women’s low status and the comparison of the women’s status in the novel Pride and Prejudice with in old China, this paper shows that old China was a traditional feudal country, in which the feudal ideology had deeply rooted and limited women’s development. So modern women want to enhance their status, first they must have self-awareness, and let them more self-reliance especially in the aspect of economy. Also self-confidence is an important precondition for women’s enhancement of status. Additionally, the government should take actions to help women enhance their status and should set up a central mechanism to examine implementation of government policies, expenditure proposals and legislation to ensure equality for both sexes.
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