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资料包括: 论文(22页5607字) 
摘 要:在现代社会,英语教育有着非常重要的地位。为了促进英语教学和学习,在中国的某些中学,情境教学法已被采用。相关资料表明,情境教学法在国外的运用已经取得了一定的成绩,它有着许多优点,比如说它能激发学生的英语学习兴趣,能活跃课堂气氛等。但是,在中国的应试教育体制下,情境教学法的运用却产生了一定的误区。因为中国现行的教育体制的教育目的是为了在考试在中取得好成绩,在学生和教师的心里,分数是第一位,而且中国的一些实际情况也限制着情境教学法的广泛采用。因此,情境教学法的运用将会产生一定的误区。

关键词:情境教学法;教育体制; 情境;误区

In modern times, English education plays a very important role. In order to promote English teaching and learning, the Situational Teaching Method has been adopted in Chinese middle schools. Relevant data shows that the adoption of the Situational Teaching Method abroad has made great achievements and has many merits. For example, it can stimulate students’ interest in learning English and activate the classroom atmosphere and so on. Nevertheless, the adoption of the Situational Teaching Method in China has had definite misunderstandings, because of the Chinese Examination-Oriented Education, in which the purpose of education is to achieve good results in the examination. In the minds of the students or teachers, the score is the first. Moreover, the extensive use of the Situational Teaching Method is restricted by some actual conditions in China. The adoption of the Situational Teaching Method may cause some misunderstandings.
This dissertation has studied the current English education. After analyzing the adoption of the teaching method and the causes of the misunderstandings under the educational system of China, this thesis attempts to eliminate the misunderstandings and find solutions to them.

Key Words

The Situational Teaching Method; Educational System; Situations;

With China’s entry into the WTO, the English education becomes more and more important. And now more and more people pay great attention to the English education.
For decades, various teaching methods have been employed to improve the English education in middle school, such as Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, Communicative Approach, and Situational Teaching Method and so on. Some of them are good for improvement of English education, for example, the Situational Teaching Method has yielded some success in middle school English teaching abroad. Teachers inspire students’ interest in learning English by creating interesting situations. The Situational Teaching Method can make students focus their attention on the learning in English class and enliven the atmosphere of the English classroom by creating the situations. The Situational Teaching Method can also enhance the fun of English teaching.
Although the method has many advantages in improving students’ English learning, like anything else, it also has its own misunderstandings under the present educational system of China. In China, there are so many concrete problems which influence the use of the Situational Teaching Method, such as the shortage of educational resources, the lack of teachers, and so on. In order to improve the current English teaching, there is a need to find out the causes of the misunderstandings and takes some measures to make the Situational Teaching Method fit the situation of English teaching in China. So the thesis analyzes misunderstandings of the method and find out the solutions to them.

Key Words……………………………………………………………………….Ⅰ
Ⅰ.The Situational Teaching Method…………………..…………………………..….2
Ⅱ.The Current Situation of English Education in China………………………..…3
Ⅲ.The Misunderstandings of the Situational Teaching Method…………….……..4
Ⅳ.The Causes of the Misunderstandings……………………………………………5
A. The Causes Related to the Educational System ………………………………5
1. The One-Sided Pursuit of Higher Education………………………………5
2. The Blind Pursuit of High Marks …………………..5
3. Emphasis on only the Learning Results…………………………………….6
B. The Limitation of the Educational Resources………………………………….7
C. The Traditional Teaching Concepts……………………………………………7
D. The Traditional Teaching Methods……………………………………………8
E. The Conflict Between the Environment and the Use of English……………….9
Ⅴ. Ways to Eliminate the Misunderstandings……………………………………..10
A. The Reform of the Educational System……………………………………..10
B. The Change of the Teachers’ Teaching Belief and Students’ Aim……10
C. The Appropriate Adoption of the Situational Teaching Method………11
1. Preparing Lessons Fully……………………………………………..11
2. Creating Situations According to the Teaching Content…….11
3. Creating Various Situations…………………………………11
4 .Creating Situations to Fit the Majority of Students …………12
D. The Prompt Correction of Errors………………..12
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From what has been discussed, we can find some misunderstandings of the adoption of the Situational Teaching Method in China. Firstly, in China, the educational system is Examination--Oriented Education, which is not suitable for the adoption of it. Therefore, China should generally reform the educational system step by step, and transfers the Examination--Oriented Education to the Quality-Oriented Education. It requires modernization of education and the reform of the teaching contents and materials which are necessary to achieve the individualization.
In addition, for China is lack of educational resources, the wide use of the Situational Teaching Method is unrealistic. Therefore, the adoption of the Situational Teaching Method should be based on geographical differences and the local teaching facilities. According to different demands on different levels of English in various regions, various schools take the method into action which should be based on the actual conditions of various parts of the objective conditions. The principles of adoption of the Situational Teaching Method must meet the requirements of the local English teaching. What’s more, the teachers also have a corresponding reform of the English teaching. They should change their traditional ideas and teaching methods in English. And also they should change the traditional methods which mainly teach students knowledge of English in past and now focus on the integrated use of the English language ability of students, and improve the practical ability of the students in English. Finally, students, on the other hand, gradually change the blind pursuit of high marks into raising their ability of using English. Only under such circumstances, China''s English teaching can be enhanced. The Situational Teaching Method’ advantages can be better taken of to promote English teaching.
From the above, the Situational Teaching Method is not very well suited to the educational system in China. It should combine the actual conditions, using a dialectical way of thinking, absorbing its merits and gradually change China''s current education system to better promote the development of English education in middle school.
In a word, under the current Chinese educational system, China needs to eliminate the misunderstandings to take the Situational Teaching Method’s advantages to improve English teaching in middle schools.
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