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摘 要:20世纪80年代末90年代初,伴随着东欧巨变、两德统一和苏联解体,冷战宣告结束。美国也面临着全新的国际形势。但是,要重新寻找确定美国的国家利益、战略目标及其实现的途径却变得更加困难。


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, with the transformation of the East European socialist states, the reunification of Germany, and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Cold War ended, and the United States found itself at another watershed. However, it is more difficult to define and determine the interests, objectives, and means of American foreign strategy.
The Bush government advocated a foreign strategy of “New World Order”. The concept of “New World Order” includes the emphasis of American leadership in world affairs and the creation of a new “American century”. However, it was criticized for being ambiguous and impractical. Clinton paid more attention to internal affairs and promoted a foreign strategy of “Engagement and Enlargement”, which accelerated its economic development and enhanced its leadership. In the year of 2000, George W. Bush won the presidency campaign. He acted a foreign strategy of Unilateralism. However, in recent years, America has been in troubles. Many powers are rising quickly, but at the same time, America sinks into Afghanistan and Iraq war. NPRK and Iran are busy developing their nuclear weapons, imposing threat to regional and international security. Undoubtedly, America encounters more problems in the post-cold war era.
In the future, America has to adjust its foreign strategies to cooperate with others and depend more on its soft powers to maintain its national interests,.

Key Words

US; foreign strategy; post-cold war era; cooperation

When Cold War ended, the world became more complex and less predictable, and the domestic ambivalence and confusion over U.S. involvement in world affairs heighten pressures of immediate restructuring of foreign strategy. Naturally, it was predicted by many that the evolving environment of the post-Cold War world required the United States to refashion its foreign strategy and the agencies that made it.
Many scholars thought America was the winner and it was the right time to create an “American Century”. Therefore, the first Bush government advocated a foreign strategy of “New World Order”. However, it was more difficult to define and determine the interests, objectives, and means of American foreign strategy in fact. As the strategy was too oblivious, it was soon replaced by the strategy of “Engagement and Enlargement” of Clinton government which put more emphasis on internal affairs, but at the same time never allowed their external interests being harmed. George .W. Bush carried out a strategy of unilateralism via America’s mighty power, which led America to a dilemma. Now, America sinks into Afghanistan and Iraq war, and NPRK and Iran nuclear problems are exhausting US’s energy.
At the same time, other powers are developing quickly. European countries are on the road of unity and their economic power is growing more influential. Japan is trying to play a more active role in world political and economic stage. China and India are booming in economic field. Russia is reawaking. Moreover, terrorism and nuclear problems are also haunting the world.
However, if America withdraws from Iraq now, it may fail thoroughly in the anti-terrorism war and encounters fiercer opposition from Islamic world. Therefore, in order to hold its national interests, America has to seek more cooperation and assistance from international world. Besides, America will shift their attention to prevent other powers from rising, and depend more on “soft power” to maintain its dream of “second to none”.

Key Words…………………………………………………………………………I
Ⅰ. Brief Introduction of US Foreign Strategies in History……….2
Ⅱ. Different Foreign Strategies in the Post-Cold War Era………………………….3
A.Foreign Strategy of Bush Government………………………………………3
B.Foreign Strategy of Clinton Government……………………………………5
C.Foreign Strategy of George W. Bush Government……………………………7
Ⅲ. Future Trends of US Foreign Strategies……………………………………10
Conclusion ……………………………………………….…………………………..12

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Henderson, Conway W. International Relations: Conflict and Cooperation at the
Turn of the 21st Century. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 1998.
Hutchings, Robert L, Ed. At the End of the American Century: America’s Role in the Post-Cold War World. The Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington, D.C., 1998.
Kissinger, Henry. “Reflection on Containment”, Foreign Affairs. May/June,1994.
Scott, James M., Ed. After the End: Making U.S. Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War World. Duke University Press, Durham and London, 1998.
Nye, Joseph, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. Yale University Press, 2000.
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Therefore, in the post-Cold War world characterized by interdependence and diversity, the United States, with different foreign strategies, intends to build up its power and influence as to realize and maintain its national interests and its hegemony in world affairs. However, contrary to its expectation, the United States becomes increasingly incapable of dealing with the changing world alone. In fact, in the post-Cold War era, the world is multipolarized with complicated international environment and global problems. In recent years, it sinks into Afghanistan and Iraq war, and nuclear crisis and terrorism are haunting its psyche. As a result, The United States has to learn to be humble and learns how to cooperate with others. It is in this international situation that the foreign strategies of Bush, Clinton and W. G. Bush are questioned and challenged.
Undoubtedly, what a peaceful and prosperous world needs is cooperation and collaboration among states instead of American hegemony. It is a common knowledge that not all roads ultimately lead to Washington. In fact, only if the United States conforms to the historical trend of the times, and abandons its constant practices of hegemonism and realpolitik in world affairs, can it realize its national interests and security, and thus, promote world peace and stability.
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