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摘 要:作为语言的一个重要部分,习语是一种广为流传的具有特定含义的固定的短语,在人们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用。由于习语的文字通俗简练,风趣幽默,中西方人们都习惯于使用习语。它有着丰富的文化内涵,体现了不同民族在历史,地理,宗教信仰,风俗习惯和思维方式等方面的差异。习语是语言中重要的修辞手段,经常用音的和谐来达到易懂易记,生动有趣的目的。它没有规则的句子结构,却有着相对固定的自身表达形式。习语的这些特点为它的翻译增加了难度。为了使读者更好的理解并运用习语,在翻译中译者必须考虑其背后的文化因素。同样的习语在不同的语境中将会有完全不同的翻译,它反映了中西方人们在生活习俗,思维习惯,性格以及对待色彩等方面的不同看法。本论题将通过习语的翻译向读者介绍一些中西方的文化差异,以便人们能更好的交流。


As an important part of language, idioms are fixed phrases with particular meanings. They are well-known and they play an increasingly important role in people’s daily life. Both oriental and Western people are accustomed to use idioms because they are concise, vivid and humorous. Idioms contain a lot of cultural information; reflect the differences in history, geography, religion, custom and thinking mode of different ethnic groups. Idioms are important means of rhetoric. Because of euphony, they are usually accessible and remembered easily. They do not have regular sentence structure, but a relatively fixed form of expression. Those characteristics of idioms make the translation more difficult. In order to enable readers understand and use idioms better, translator must consider the underlying cultural factors in the process of translation. The same idiom in different context may have completely different translation; it reflects people’s different views on custom, thinking mode, character and color. Through the translation of idioms, this study will lay out some of the Chinese and western cultures to readers, so that people can have a better understanding with each other.

Key Words

Idioms; translation; culture; differences


After prolonged usage, idioms become fixed phrases which are regarded as crystallization of the wisdom of people,and they also have unique and special expressions. They can be used to analyze things, therefore containing strong national characters and voices. Like mirrors, they reflect the characteristics of a nation or a culture.
Idioms are from the private sector. The great linguist Smith mentioned something about idioms: “We have most of the metaphorical meaning to the phrase and idioms which coming from the people, from the career and love of the general public. The producing of idioms are the same as the manufacturing of words, they are not coming from the library or gorgeous theater, but from the factories, kitchens and farms. Many idioms are steamed from sailors, workers, housewives, cooks and so on. They engage in their professional activities, the production and labor, and often require small, lean words to express their ideas of work. So they create some wordings including some interesting and vivid metaphors from present collocation in which things are familiar to them. These moving words and metaphors can greatly stimulate the imaginations of their fellows, loved and spread one by one. They are gradually becoming professional activities or terminologies.” Later, people find many of these words can be applied to broader situations. Many of the words often contain enough philosophical and incisive theories for people to study and they become an important part of modern English(Zhang Peiji,1979, P8). For example: “As a man sows, so he shall reap” can be translated into “种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”(zhong gua de gua, zhong dou de dou); “As like as two peas” can be translated into “一模一样”(yi mo yi yang); “To strike while the iron is hot” is translated as “趁热打铁”(cheng re da tie).
The role and importance of idioms can be seen from the famous passage as Mr. Gorky said: “proverbs and slang which use a special form of integrity, reflect people’s ways of thinking. Therefore, these materials are very useful for people who are going to learn how to write.” They can also teach us how to make a language vivid and natural, and so on. Generally speaking, proverbs and slang make the expression of people’s social experience more specific. Therefore, a writer must know this kind of material (Zhuang Hecheng, 2002, P12).
This paper is designed to make a broad discussion on idiomatic phrases, which include idioms, proverbs, and literary quotations and so on. With long history, English and Chinese languages contain a great deal of idioms. They are implicit, humorous and elegant. It is not only concise but also vivid and wit, giving an enjoyment to the people. Because of the differences in geography, history, religion, living habits and characteristics, the English and Chinese idioms carry different cultural information. They work closely with the cultural traditions, which are inextricably linked.
There are two kinds of translations of idiomatic phrases: free translation and literal translation. How to reach the appropriate point between them is a problem. At the same time, in the process of translation, translators must consider the cultural background of the idiomatic phrases. The purpose of this paper is to lay out some of the differences between oriental and western cultures. Such as the different views on colors, dialectical thoughts, lifestyles, characteristics, and so on. This will make people understand different cultures better.


Key WordsI
摘 要II
Ⅰ.The Characteristics of Idioms3
Ⅱ.The Translation of Idioms4
A. The Differences between Literal Translation and Free Translation6
B. The Translation of Idioms under Different Cultures8
C. The Relationship between Language and Culture9
Ⅲ.Different Cultures in China and Western Countries11
A. The Dialectical Thoughts Existed in English and Chinese Culture11
B. The Conception of Individualism12
C. The Social Customs in English and Chinese Culture14
D. Different Views on Colors15
Christine Ammer. Cool Cats, Top Dogs, and Other Beastly Expressions. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1999
Hall, E. Beyond Culture. New York: Doubleday&Co. Press, 1976
Harry Collis. 101 American English Proverbs. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2003
Pam Wadeson. English Through Idioms. Beijing: Foreign Language Company Press, 2002
Richard A. Spears. Phrases and Idioms. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, 2004
Robert McCrum, Robert MacNeil, William Cran. The Story of Enlgish Tianjing: Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House, 2005
Samovar, LarryA.et al. Communication between Cultures. 3ed. New York: Wadsworth Publishing Company Press, 1998
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孔令翠,蒙兴灿. 实用汉英翻译[M].成都: 四川大学出版社, 2002
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[16] 张复满.实用英语习语大全[S].安徽:安徽科学技术出版社,2005
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[18] 庄和诚.英语习语探源[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002


One of the major characteristics identifying us as human is our ability to use language. Language plays a very important role in people’s daily life; it makes people communicate with each other and understand other’s feelings. Language has close relations with culture. It is impossible to separate language from culture. As the essence of language, idioms also have close relations with culture. The contents of them rang from society, history, psychology to customs and other various social phenomena. So, in the process of translation, translators should pay more attention to the cultural factors, in doing this, he can dig up the implicit meanings. Only the cultural factors are concerned, translators can have a satisfactory interpretation. On the other hand, people should get acquaintance with the cultural background when using idioms to avoid embarrassment in communication.
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