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摘 要:当今中国年轻一代被不少人称作“迷惘的一代”,他们也不断地受到老一辈人的批评, 因


Nowadays, the Chinese youth are considered as “The Lost Generation”, and they are being criticized by the elders all day, because they do a lot of perverse things just like “The Lost Generation” in America which the elders cannot understand. Many of today’s Chinese youth do things to oppose the tradition, they are becoming more and more indifferent and apathetic and their desire of becoming famous is stronger than ever before. It seems that they are very happy and they do not care about anything, but actually, they are dissatisfied with their life and the society and suffering a lot in their hearts. But few people know about this and understand them. Nowadays, getting a house and a satisfactory job are so difficult; in the acquisitive society, money becomes more important than ever before and money worship is becoming more and more popular; there are unfair phenomena here and there in the society, which make people hopeless; the lack of honesty makes people difficult to trust each other, which results in the feeling of insecurity of people; and people are becoming indifferent and apathetic. The social environment influences people’s life deeply, so the Chinese youth need a good social environment. But, people themselves are the most important factor. So, the Chinese youth must do something to help themselves, too. This paper is to talk about the life of today’s Chinese youth by making a comparison with “The Lost Generation” in America, and the methods of improving the situation.

Key Words

Comparison; life; dissatisfaction; pressure; society

There is a program in HNTV named Portrait of Change of Life, which once told a story about two boys who exchanged their life deliberately. One is named Wei Cheng — a boy living in the city, and the other is Gao Zhanxi —a boy living in the countryside. After a week’s exchange of life, both of them changed a lot. During the exchange, Wei Cheng changed from a “lost” boy to a well-behaved boy because of the hard life in the countryside. In the past, Wei Cheng did not like study, spent too much time on the Internet, did not get along well with his parents, did not know his life goal and did not have any ideal at all. Gao Zhanxi studied hard and treated his parents well, after he came to the colorful city, he was “lost” for some time, but he found himself back when he knew that life in the city was hard as well. In China, there are so many young people just like the unchanged Wei Cheng, some of whom even do various crazy things. They seek excitements, do things against the tradition, lack faith, lay too much stress on material life and so on. Because of the above, some people consider them as “The Lost Generation”.

The term ‘The Lost Generation’ came from an American woman writer named Gertrude Stein(1874-1946), who had lived in Paris since 1903. She welcomed these young writers to her apartment, and gave them encouragement and help. She called these young writers ‘The Lost Generation’ by saying to a mechanic in Hemingway’s presence that ‘You are all a lost generation’. (Ding Yongshu, 296)

The post-World War I generation was also collectively called “The Lost Generation”, and the term in this paper refers to the whole generation.

They were a generation devoid of faith and alienated from a civilization that was traditionally American. They found the old America was gone, and they saw instead a lonely, dehumanized, mechanized world, in which they felt, more strongly than ever, that they were no longer bound to each other by traditional standards of conduct or by the structure of their society. They had a sense of floating in a void as fragments of a society that had been blown into bits and pieces and was no longer whole. Theirs is a sense of loneliness, alienation, and fragmentation. (Ding Yongshu, 195)

The Chinese youth are considered as “The Lost Generation” because their behavior is similar to that of “The Lost Generation” in America. Although this title has not been permitted by the authority yet, no one can deny the existence of this phenomenon in the real life. These perverse things done by the Chinese youth just reflect their dissatisfactions with the society and the unhappiness in their hearts. Their present situation is far from their satisfactions, and both society and individuals should make efforts to change the situation.
Key Words..I
I. The Comparison Between “The Lost Generation” in America and Today’s Chinese Youth………………………………………………………………………………..3
A. The Comparison of Their Epoch Background…………………………………..3
B. The Comparison of Their Behavior.4
C. The Comparison of Their Life Pursuit..6
D. The Comparison of the Social Factors for Their Perverse Behavior.7
II. The Social Environment to Chinese Youth………………………………………..10
A. The Importance of the Social Environment…………………………………..10
B. The Social Environment Chinese Youth Needed10
C. The Efforts of the Chinese Youth………11
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From the above content we can make a conclusion that the two generations have many similarities: they oppose the tradition; their values are distorted and their pursuit of happiness almost equals to that of money; they are disgusted with the hopeless society and their life and trying to hide their inner void by indulging themselves; and both of them lack faith. This is the reason why today’s Chinese youth are considered as “The Lost Generation”. But due to their different epoch background, their life pursuit differs. “The Lost Generation” wanted to be far away from the war and regain their peaceful life before war. Today’s Chinese youth hope that they can be treated fairly; people can be sincere to each other and get more security from the society; and they hope the house price can be reduced.
Nowadays, Chinese youth are under great pressure. It is hard for them to get a good job and buy a house. The current society is full of unfair things, and people do not treat each other sincerely. In addition, people are becoming more and more indifferent. It is distressing to see this, but they do not know how to change the situation. They are disappointed with their life and the society. So, actually they are leading a hard life.
These perverse things done by today’s Chinese youth are the reflection of their dissatisfactions with the society and the unhappiness in their hearts. So, we can say that the influence of the society on people is so great, and the government should create a good social environment for the youth, because a good social environment can bring hopes to people. As long as they think that what they are doing is valuable and fruitful, they will study and work hard on their own initiative, and this is also helpful to the improvement of the society. It is a benign circle.
Of course, people themselves are important factor, too. Not all the Chinese youth take a passive attitude toward their life and the society; I just refer to some of them. To themselves, their hearts should be full of hopes, and believe that the destiny is grasped in their own hands but not other people. The society is just an outer factor. As long as they possess enough knowledge and skills, persist in their own belief, and work indefatigably, they will surely get what they want in the future.
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