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说明:摘 要:贩毒、吸毒问题是当今世界重大的社会问题.在世界范围内,青少年越来越多的接触到毒品,而毒品和犯罪又是一对孪生兄弟,故青少年因为毒品的危害走上犯罪道路的比例也越来越大。毒品泛滥是当今世界上的一大公害,其危害之烈,泛滥之快已成为一个全球性的问题.毒品犯罪屡禁不止,青少年首当其害,近年来,我国的青少年毒品犯罪呈逐年上升势,且上升的幅度较大,从长远来看,21世纪初我国毒品犯罪特别是青少年毒品违法犯罪问题将会更加严峻,毒品腐蚀着祖国的未来,危害着很多家庭的幸福生活,甚至动摇着社会的安定与和谐,大家应该认真面对,严厉打击毒品,预防青少年的不良行为发生。本文主要围绕着吸毒的原因,吸毒对吸毒者,家庭,社会的影响,怎么样去解决吸毒
Nowadays, illegal drug is one of the most serious problems in the world. More and more young people are indulging in drugs. While the drug and crime are brothers, so people who take drugs often go to the road of crime. An investigation shows that more and more youth violate the law for the sake of taking drugs. Drugs are harmful to the future of our country, as it can damage many families and destroy our harmonious society. This paper focuses on the causes of drugs proliferation, and the influence of drugs addiction on their families and society, and how to cope with it. Everyone hope to find some useful ways to help those drug-addicted people. Each of us should fight against the drugs, and protect youth to create our harmonious society.
Key Words
Bane; crime; youth; society
Drugs, what are drugs? What do person think about when someone mentions this word? People often think about white powder will wipe out all possibility of youth’s future, and then kill them slowly. Drugs come into our lives and destroy all relations between parents and children. Using the word "all" because it is the exact word to define what happens when a child starts taking drugs.
Drug indulgence is an increasing problem among teenagers in high schools. Even since the drug war in 1900, drugs have been a major problem in society. The proliferation of drugs such as opium, morphine, and their derivatives were quite common in nineteenth century in American. While most students of contemporary high school know little about the use of coca leaves in early Coca-Cola and the opium trade with Chinese. The drug addiction at the turn of the century is much more serious than we know. It is estimated that by 1975 there were about 550,000 addictive regular drug users in the American. While this number may seem larger considering the smaller population of the country in 1970s compared to today. It is actually surprisingly small in number when such drugs are available over the country. Cocaine, morphine, laudanum, and heroin are all available in drug stores or through the mail. Not until the issue of Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, the sale and distribution of these drugs were banned in local shops and stores. Today, all of these drugs are regarded as illegal.
Currently, the national registered drug takers in the volume have already over 1,050,000. The drug problem exists in almost 80% county Cities in China, which city drug takers account for 72.7% of the total amount. 60% AIDS patients are infected by taking drugs. Among the 1,050,000 registers in the volume, the youth under the age of 35 account for 72.2%. If each drug user takes 0.3 gram heroin everyday, the gross volume will cost 27,000,000,000 dollars at least annually. The total global drug sales is up to 800,000,000,000 US$ annually, which is equal to 10% of the total world trade amount. The central public finance department will spend over 500,000,000 dollars in five years on forbidding drug proliferation. The data above are given by the Ministry of Public Security.
Key Words………………………………………………..………………….……….Ⅰ
I. The Bane of the Mind and Body… ……………………………..………..……..3
II. The Bane of Society…………………….….….……….……………………..…5
III. The Influence of Drug to Families………………………………………………6
IV. The Reason of Youth Taking Drugs………………………………………….8
V. The Way to Solve the Problem of Youth Taking Drugs9
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Drugs is a catastrophe, as well as the common enemy of mankind, and the trend of drug-using growth worldwide not only seriously harm human health and corrupted society, but also induce crime directly, threat of global political stability and economic development.
In recent years, China has gradually become a serious country which is most affected by the drug. What people concern is that many young people are still very naive of understanding the drug? Drug abused young people is a serious problem. The Crime triggered by this problem will gradually become an important aspect of juvenile delinquency. The spreading of drugs tells us that early prevention of drug abuse among young people is not just a theoretical issue; it is a pressing practical problems.
From above, we can clearly know the situation of the drugs in society nowadays, and the harmfulness of drug addiction to body, mention, family, and society. We also find some useful ways to make youth far away from drugs. Whether we can success, we should try our best, and teenagers themselves also should make efforts.
Youth should do everything by their own feet, and exercise self-discipline, study and cultivate themselves, and have correct values, foster lofty ideals and aspirations, strengthen the legal system. They should study, understand and apply the law, embrace the concept of labor. And all consumers must rely on their hands and enjoy the hard work of adjusting to rely on the labor of creating wealth and be sure to make friends carefully and be a useful person to society.