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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(20页5698字) 

摘 要


关键词 反叛;与众不同;新女性       


This paper mainly discusses Scarlett O′ Hara’s particular characters, her secret of survival, her relations with other roles and why she is always criticized. Scarlett, who’s clever, coquettish, stubborn and diligent, is different from other aristocratic woman. She has been married for three times and killed a thieving Yankee soldier; then buys sawmills, peddles timbering herself and earns money openly. The worst thing is she succeeds in business while other gentlemen lead poor lives. She is different, and also damned. But she is judged as a new woman in the old time.
Undoubtedly, if Scarlett were in our society, she would live comfortably. Meanwhile, she is a good example of survival. But we can not imitate Scarlett in all her ways. On the other hand, critics nowadays should criticize Scarlett in a new way, the way of how to survive in modern society.
That is to say, “be different〞is not equal to〝be damned〞.

Key Words

Rebellious; different; new woman

Katie Scarlett O′Hara, the leading role of Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, always gets mixed reception. However, no matter how selfish, indifferent and cunning or strong, able and clever she is judged as, she is a new woman in the old time.
Scarlett O′Hara, the daughter of a well–bred South Carolina mother and a rich self–made planter father, beautiful and charming, has many beaux. But she only “loves”Ashley Wilkes, “Since that day two years ago when Ashley, newly home from his three years Grand Tour in Europe, had called to pay his respects, she had loved him. It was as simple as that” (Margaret, 27). At that day, in Scarlett’s eyes, Ashley’s “drowsy grey eyes wide with a smile and the sun so bright in his blond hair that it seemed like a cap of shining silver”(Margaret, 27). From then on, the aureole on Ashley’s head shining all along in her heart until she finally realizes that what she has really loved and pursued for such long time is not Ashley himself but the aureole on his head. Because of the “love” to Ashley, Scarlett has “hated” Melanie Hamilton, the wife of Ashley Wilkes, for many years. Simultaneously, because of the “love” to Ashley, Scarlett has neglected and refused Rhett Butler’s genuine love. And not until Melanie’s death does she realize whom her close friend, firm partner is and whom her real lover, stable supporter is and also whom she truly and steadfastly loves.
Through the war and during the reconstruction Scarlett acts as a heroine. “She survives trial by fire and hunger” (Dawson, 10). But unlike other epic heroes, Scarlett loses, she misses the best friend and lost the best husband in her world. However, Scarlett is Scarlett, a stubborn woman who always says, “Anyway, tomorrow is another day” to herself and then solves the problems. This time, “with the spirit of her people who would not know defeat, even when it stared them in the face. She raised her chin. She could get Rhett back. She knew she could. There had never been a man she could not get, once she set her mind upon him” (Margaret, 1011). This is Scarlett, rebel, willful and stubborn, different from other aristocratic woman; she is self-confident, independent, sagacious and candid. These characters make Scarlett be scolded much by critics, “be different and be damned”(Margaret, 663).

Key Words..Ⅰ
I. Description of Scarlett’s Special Characters and Styles..3
A.The Background of Scarlett’s Family………………………………………3
B.Scarlett’s Different Attitudes to the Social Life and Her Happiness Antebellum..3
C.Scarlett’s Rebellious Activities in Atlanta during the Civil War..4
D.Scarlett’s Pursuit of Freedom and Happiness.4
E.Scarlett’s Bravery and Stubbornness..5
F.Scarlett’s Wisdom and Diligence in the Reconstruction..5
G.Scarlett’s Secret of Survival9
II. The Relation between Scarlett and Other Important Characters..10
A.Scarlett and Rhett Butler10
B.Scarlett and Melanie.11
C.Scarlett and Ashley12
Blanche H, Gelfant. “‘Gone with the Wind’and the Impossibilities of Fiction” [J]. The Southern Literary Journal, 1981, (13).
Dawson, Gaillard. “‘Gone with the Wind’As Bildungsroman; or, Why Did Rhett Butler Really Leaves Scarlett O′Hara?” [J]. The Georgia Review, 1974, (28).
Elizabeth, For-Genovess. “Scarlett O′Hara: The Southern Lady As New Woman” [J]. American Quarterly, 1981, (33).
Floyd C, Watkins. “ˋGone with the WindˊAs Vulgar Literature” [J]. The Southern Literature Journal, 1970, (2).
James D, Hart. Little Man, What Now? [M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1950.
John Peale Bishop. “War and No Peace” [J]. The New Republic, 1936, (87).
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Both Ashley and Melanie are anachronisms as the result of the disruption of the war (Dawson, 14). The old order, the life of tradition is, of course, represented in them. The Wilkeses are bookworms, they always send off for books of poetry, take European tours, and marry their cousins. Their plantation, Twelve Oaks, is everything romanticists would like to believe about the old south.
Now we see, Scarlett and Rhett, the two strong figures, and Melanie and Ashley, the two weak ones, “were products of external characterization rather than psychological motivation, yet they gave the appearance of reality in manners and dialogue, seeming to be shaped by inner stresses and social forces rather than by prefabricated temperaments” (James D, 263). Only those who adapt themselves to the changes can survive, even if they are different in the old time. The weak ones are destined to be eliminated.
In this aspect, Scarlett has done well. She can love and hate with a violence, “her voice was brisk and decisive and she made up her mind instantly and with no girlish shilly-shallying. She knew what she wanted and she went after it by the shortest route, like a man, not by the hidden and circuitous routes peculiar to women” (Margaret, 624). She wants not only to survive, but also to prevail and will use any means at hand to gain her ends, and she wins, still keeps an uneasily known kind heart. Those are characters needed for success, in 21st Century. If Scarlett were living in modern society, instead of the old time, she surely could lead a happy and comfortable life, like many other white-collar women do.
In short, Scarlett is a new woman in the old time. She is different and damned. However, the society which we live in is an advanced one, so we can imitate her, of course not in all her ways. Fortunately, we could 〝be different〞as she is, moreover, not〝be damned〞as she is.
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