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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(22页5712字) 
摘 要:作为一个移民国家,历时数百年,美国黑人文化和黑人的地位才得到白人主流文化的承认。

关键词      ,黑人问题,民主发展,民权

As a nation of immigrants, the American whites mainstream has taken hundreds of years to accept the African American culture, and admit their status.
The thesis, targeted at the African American problem, makes a careful analysis of the development of the American democracy, including the origin of Black American problem, the Civil War’s influence on the blacks, the awakening of African American and the impact of the Civil Rights Movement. It can be said that, from getting out of the bondage of slavery to becoming the American of full citizenship, African American experienced a hard and long process. The purpose of this thesis is to show that the American society becomes more tolerant, and it also proves the development of American Democracy.

Key Words

African American problem; democracy development; civil rights

As a nation of immigrants, the United States faces enormous problems of minority-dominant relationships. The African American problem is one of the most representative one. Initially, the African Americans were taken to America through the notorious slave trade triangle. Such a historically disadvantaged position made the whites long held that African Americans were inferior to whites and undeserving of full citizenship rights. The African American has experienced a hard and long conflict to fight for the equality. Thanks to the struggle, the Black gained civil rights in some degree, and their citizen rights had been improved. It is hard to give democracy an exact definition. Many ideas about democracy originated from the ancient Greeks. The Greek roots of the word democracy are demos, meaning “the people,” and kratein, meaning “to rule.” Democracy, then, is “ruled by the people” or, to put it another way, self-government by the many, as opposed to the few or the one. (Greenberg, 6) Another important concept is that democracy requires a government which could serve all the people. Thus it can be seen that democracy asks widespread participation of the people. As a multi-nationality country, the democracy requires the whites, the African American, the Hispanics and the other groups of people in America. From this point of view, this process can also be considered as the evolution of American democracy.
From the John Brown’s insurrection to the controversial affirmative action, the African American underwent the Abolition Movement, the Civil War to get out of the bondage of slavery; they took up into the Civil Rights Movement to fight for equal opportunity to education and employment, and the other equal civil rights. Today, African Americans are still suffering the de facto discrimination, which occurs when social tradition and habit lead to social segregation. The education and wage gap between African Americans and whites is a representative phenomenon. Although African Americans have made great strides in the last years, much inequality remains. But African American set a good example for the other minority group; also what they have done pushed the development of American democracy.
This paper will state the development of African American problem, the Civil War, the Harlem Renaissance, the Civil Rights Movement, and their influence on American democracy. The solving solution of African American problem shows that the American society becomes more tolerant, and it also proves the development of American democracy.

Key WordsI
摘 要II
Ⅰ. The Black American Problem Pre 1950’s3
A.The Origin of Black American Problem3
B. The Whites and the Civil War6
C. The Blacks’ Living Condition After the Civil War7
Ⅱ. The Awakening of African American8
A. The Awakening of African American and Civil Rights Movement9
B. The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement on African American.10
1. The Adjustment of the American Legislation and de Jure Discrimination10
2. The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the Other Fields11
Ⅲ. The Existing African American Problems12
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Peterson, Paul E. and Fiorina Morris P. The New American Democracy. London: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001.
Schmidt, Steffen W. and Shelly Mack C. American Government and Politics Today. New York: Wadsworth Group, 2001.
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After experiencing the Abolition Movement, the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement, the African American’s position has been gradually admitted by the American white mainstream. It can be considered as a big stride in the development of American democracy. Though honored and celebrated, democracy remains an unfinished project in the United States, since de facto discrimination still exists in American society. De facto discrimination, which has been rooted in people’s mind, belongs to the cognitive aspect. It is difficult to eliminate such an invisible discrimination. If the American government does not take action to remove this hidden peril, much more social problems will arise. How to deal with the relationship between different races is still an external topic in front of American government of each term.
Democracy not only asks the widespread participation, but also requires peace, security and a happy co-existence between different people. There is no limit to the development of democracy. The high mobility of modern society makes the world becomes pluralistic, and America is still in such tendency. The perfect of democracy requires the tolerance of difference. The tolerance between the races of the America, which helps to create a future “colorblind” society, is a must. The African American problem shows that the American society becomes more tolerant, and it also proved the development of American Democracy.
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