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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(20页5810字) 
摘 要:当今,国际竞争日益激烈,而这种竞争归根到底是人的素质的竞争,是人才培养的竞争。从某种情况下,人才的竞争是父母育儿能力的竞争。因此,家庭教育的理念和方法直接影响了孩子个人能力的培养。本文通过对中美两国家庭教育在教育目的、教育方法、教育结果方面的比较,分析形成两国家庭教育差异的原因,进而找出对中国家庭教育改革的启示,美国家庭教育的一些实践,能为中国提供借鉴。从而使中国孩子变得能够独立生存,适应各种环境,具有独立解决问题的能力。



Nowadays, the personal quality of talents is critical amid the fierce international competition environment. To some extent, the competition of talents is the competition of the ability that parents train children. So the ideas and methodology of family education will affect training effectiveness. This essay attempts to compare family education between China and America in terms of educational purpose, educational result and educational method, analyze the reasons for forming educational differences between the two countries, and then propose the enlightenment for Chinese family education reform. Some family educational practices in USA can provide reference for Chinese family educational reform which intends to bring up more independent, adaptive, innovative, self-initiative Chinese children in today’s complex society.

Key Words

Family education; ability training; China; America

The Chinese traditional education emphasizes on the instruction of knowledge, while America education strengthens the training of students’ ability, and both need to exchange education level and supplementary. Through access to the essay, it is well known: there are different education methods and level between China and America
As for present society, Chinese parents lack scientific experience in educating offspring. They insist on out-of-date, backward and wrong educational idea. The phenomenon that pays attention to teaching without right way is common. It is urgent to solve the problem in family educational practice. In China, parents care about doing the most of the things for their child. It includes the intrinsic reason: the burden of education system in China. It is ridiculous that this kind of college depends on the students’ score and the students inevitably pursuit the score. The values between the two countries are different, so are living styles and social systems. As for concept, historical background, culture and education, there are lots of quite differences. The Chinese focus on studying scores and the master skills. No matter what they learn, they try to do the best; no matter what they do, they strive for perfection. In brief, Chinese try to make children feel the social being, create the environment to make children learn to grow up. Chinese children are passive, malleable, and growing up under the guidance of their parents.
In comparison with the vision that Chinese students and parents are focusing on the children entering higher schools step by step, American lay emphasis on training students’ abilities. They pay attention to the children''s sense of social participation. There are many chances for children to choose freely. The teacher still does his utmost to encourage children to play freely, to be creative, and in order to train children''s imaginations and creativities. Americans train the child for the real world. American children are initiative and rich in creating. The self-actualization is the children''s own nature and development; the adult only needs to offer the favorable condition. Certainly, the American education also has the malpractice. It is too free and too interesting in individual development. The worst is the lack of controlling the morality.

Key Words……………………………………………………………………………I
I. The Comparsion of Two Countries Family Education…………….…..…………2
A. The Comparison of Education Purpose ….…………………………………2
B. The Comparison of Education Method ….…………………………………..3 C. The Comparison of Education Result….………………………………..……4
II. Analyzing Reasons for Different Family Education Modal between China and
A. The Difference of the Historical Background …………………….…..………5
B. The Difference of the Economic Shape ….…………………………………..5
C. The Difference of Social Conditions ……………………………….…………6
D. The Difference of Cultural Traditions …………………………….…………7
III. Measures to Improve Individual Ability ……………………….……………9
A. Changing Suitable Educational Concept…………….…………………….9
B. Understanding Definite Educational Purpose……..………………..……10
C. Adopting Suitable Educational Ways ……..………………..…………11
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Everyone knows that family is the first teacher to train the individual ability, in a sense, talents'' competition is a competition of parents educating children ability. So, the countries all over the world pay more attention to family education in training talents'' education project in new century. Now the family education has already caused the concern from various circles of society in China, there are still some mistaken ideas remained in the education of many Chinese families. It even becomes a kind of persistent ailment, and influences the forming of a generation with good quality. Therefore, it is necessary to draw lessons from the valuable practices in the family education of other countries. It will have good inspiration and alarm function in stepping the mistaken idea educated in China.
The purpose of American family education is fostering independent children who can adapt to each environment. The purpose of Chinese is training children to be talent. About education concept, American parents think children are independent, they have their willing and personality, do not belong to their parents. Parents or teachers have no right to dominate or restrict children’s behavior. Chinese parents think children are one part of their lives; they should protect children, offer good living situation and plan their futures. On education method, American parents adopt democracy attitude. They give children power to do anything. Chinese parents interfere and worry excessively; they control children’s lives. This essay attempts to compare family education differences between China and the United States, and find advantages of American family education which can offer reference for Chinese. It can change Chinese children into independent ones who can adapt to each environment and have the ability to solve complex problem by themselves.
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