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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(20页5405字) 
摘 要:本文是以网络为背景,网络是全世界不同国家、不同民族的所有用户均可使用的交流工具,它的发展使得我们居住的星球成为一个“地球村”。而青少年作为本文的主要分析对象,他们可以利用网络进行各种活动。可以说网络已经深入到青少年生活的各个方面并对其学习生活造成了巨大影响。因此在这样的背景下,本文的主要目的是网络对青少年的影响,以及正确使用网络的方法。而要达到这一目的,首先因对青少年使用网络的情况进行简要介绍,指出人们对网络的看法。再从正反两方面,分析网络给青少年带来的正面及负面影响。一方面,网络具有强大的搜索功能,这使其成为教学的工具之一。 另一方面, 网络造成了青少年沉迷于游戏不能自拔。最后在加以分析的基础上,总结出青少年应如何正确应用网络。

关键词 :青少年;网络;信息;影响

As a tool of communication, the development of Internet makes our earth become a global village. Teenagers can use Internet do various kinds of activities. Under the background of Internet, the purpose of this thesis is to point out the influence of Internet on teenagers, and the methods to deal with the teenagers using Internet. In this thesis, firstly, it gives brief introduction to Internet-using of teenagers, and points out the people’s view on Internet. Secondly, from two sides, this thesis points out both negative and positive effects of Internet on teenagers. Finally, this thesis gives the appropriate methods to deal with teenagers using Internet.

Key Words

Teenagers; Internet; information; influence

The recent years have witnessed an unfavorable social phenomenon; more and more teenagers become indulged in Internet. In this thesis, it gives explanation of the social phenomenon. People should recognize that Internet has two sides, positive sides and negative sides. From the negative side, Internet is not only harmful to people’s physical health, especially to their eyes, but also occupies their spare time and consumes their energy. From the positive side, teenagers can broaden their eyes through the Internet; they can communicate with others through Internet. And the Internet holds over more traditional media, like television and radio. They can communicate with friends and those they don''t know, to play games with people on the other side of the world, and even to become a publisher. So my thesis’ purpose is to have a brief introduction to the Internet, and point out the negative and positive effects of the Internet on teenagers. Finally, this thesis shows the proper way for teenagers, and gives the appropriate methods for teenagers using Internet.

Key Words ……………………………………………………………………………I
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction to Internet ……………………………………………2
A. The Definition to Internet………………………………………….….………. 2
B. People’s View on Internet…………………………………………………..…3
Ⅱ.The Relationship between Teenagers and Internet……………………………….5
A. Negative Effects on Teenagers ………………………..5
B. Positive Effects on Teenagers ……………………………………………..…7
Ⅲ The Methods to Deal with Teenagers Using Internet………..………….……..…8
A. The Appropriate Ways to Surf Internet on Teenagers.…………………………8
B. The ways to Establish the Safe Internet Spaces ……………………..………9
C. Parents’ helps………………………………….…………………………..….11
Conclusion ………………………………….………………………………….……13
Bibliography ………………………………….………………………….……….15
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Nowadays, without Internet, a lot of things can’t be accomplished. They cannot deny that Internet has a great influence on our lives. In this thesis, there are deep analyses on the influence of Internet on teenagers, and the methods to deal with teenagers using Internet. However, every coin has two sides. This thesis points Internet has both positive and negative effects on teenagers. On one hand, Internet can help teenagers gain lots of knowledge. On the other hand, Internet occupies their spare time and consumes their energy.
At last, the method to deal with teenagers using Internet should be emphasized. People should establish the safe Internet spaces. The parents should teach teenagers how to use Internet correctly. When teenagers are on holidays, they can choose Internet for relaxation. But when it comes to work or study, the priority should be given to their task. They should not indulge themselves in Internet, regardless of time and occasion.
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