资料包括: 论文(19页4624字)
说明:摘 要:全球化的历史潮流,正震荡着世界的各个角落。随着全球化的进程的加快,人们的价值观念、思维方式和行为方式发生着剧烈的变化,传统的道德规范受到强烈冲击,而与全球化进程相一致的道德体系尚未建立起来,导致社会道德出现了某种混乱和无序。特别是被喻为“新人类”的80后一代。在没有认清这一趋势的同时,特别是在追崇西方文化的同时,他们渐渐淡漠了自己的文化精髓、历史甚至自己的人格。这种毫无选择的“拿来”, 冲击着中国脆弱的文化活动和现象,如何让中国的文化立足于世界民族之林?光有繁荣的经济是不行的,还要让中国的文化走在世界的前列。作为继往开来的一代, 这样的重任就落在新人类的肩上。
关键词 :全球化; 文化; 新人类
The wave of globalization has been shaking every nook and cranny of the world. Peoples’ ways of thinking and activities have changed a lot as the speed of this wave run fast. And then our traditional moral and routine have been lashed fiercely, however, the moral system complying with this wave has not been set up, which leads the disruption in our society. Especially the Y Generation, born after 1980s, takes it directly and blindly before we acknowledge it profoundly. Their activities make Chinese culture and national spirit become “periphery”. At the time they globalized, the Y Generation does not care of in the core of Chinese culture.Copying foreigners without any choices lashed Chinese weak cultural activities and phenomenon. It is not enough to have prosperous economy to keep Chinese culture and national spirit exist in the forests of the world nation; meanwhile, the Y Generation should make Chinese culture and national spirit run leading position in the world.
In a word, they should be under the situation, choosing essences and abandoning dross.
Key Words
globalization; culture; Y Generation
The Y Generation enters the time of globalization. As the most active group at present, the Y generation young men receive the tendency positively, even if some do not know what the real meaning is. Especially American cultures, they bring them barely no matter what is useful or not. The generation gives up Chinese excellent family heirlooms and national spirits in pursuit of fashion and sense of fresh.
When mentioning globalization, people can think about economy easily. However, different cultures intagrate nowdays. What leads to such result is that the Y Generation’s ideas are globalized, however, the word—globalization is neutral without any faults.
Clash of cultures makes people think more about the survival of Chinese culture. The glorious and arduous task is loaded on the Y Generation’s shoulders.
Undoubtedly, as the positive part, the Y generation can not copy directly but must learn to magnify Chinese culture, choose essences and abandon dross.
Key WordsI
摘 要II
I Status of Y Generation Accepting American Culture2
A.Copying the Ideas in American Culture Lock, Stock and Barral2
B. McChina: A Consequence of Enjoyment4
C.Sex in Y Generation’s Eyes5
II Ways of Y Generation to Spread Chinese Culture and Nation Spirits7
A.Combining Inheritance with Originality7
B.Avoiding Cultural Hegemonism and Conservatism9
C. Unifying Absorption and Spreading10
参考文献: Arjun Appadurai. Globalization. Duke University Press. 2000.
Antony Appiah, In My Father’s House. Oxford University Press. 1992.
Liao Binghui. 200 Keywords in Literary and Critical Studies. Jiangxi Press. 2006.
Mary Wollstoncraft. A Vindication of the Right of Weman. New York. 1967.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary. Oxford University Press,
VOA. American Words and Idioms. World Book Press. 2004.
VOA. Popular American. World Book Press. 2004.
比尔•阿什克罗夫特. 帝国反击: 后殖民文学的理论与实践[J]. 世界图书出版社. 1989.
吴伟仁. 英国文学史及选读[M].外语教学与研究出版社. 1998.
新汉英词典. 中国对外翻译出版公司. 2006.
As opinion vary from globalization, no unanimity can be drawn.
It is not rhetoric for the Y Generation on reception the changes peppered into the whole world, of course, it is never a criticism for theirs activities, either. But surely, it is a fact. As the future of China, the Y Generation has been globalized imperceptibly. They accept the tendency easily without any consideration, no matter it is good or bad. Maybe some of them have never been conscious about this word, but they are drawn into the wave. All is because of pursuing modernity, stimulation and individuality. They nearly forget Chinese history, culture, even they are Chinese, or only know to copy foreigner thoughts lock, stock and barrel.
Of course, it is not correct to exclude this change. Nowadays, people deeply feel that connotation of culture becomes wilder and wilder, and the influence becomes greater and greater. Seeing from the development of history, if people say the main competition in the second half of 20th is caused by economy, and then, 21st will be concrete on the competition on culture.
Acceptation is a good kind kill of survival, and an expression of modesty. On consideration, the Y Generation can learn the tendency well. At the same time, transmitting and magnifying Chinese perfect culture and national spirits is the only way to make motherland stand firmly in the world. The culture “made in China” has not produced, where there is the culture “made in America” and “made in Europe”,that is why no Chinese get the Nobel Prize.
No one can catch up with the time, no more than to go back. Then, the Y Generation cannot put out the fire of Chinese distinctive culture to pursue fantastic modern elements. It is not only a moral problem but also a problem related to the existence of our nation.